

Diamonds : Myths and Lore

jewelry pendants Victoria Transvaal Diamond (67.89 carats)

The diamond is April's birthstone. It is cold sparkling fire has held us spell-bound for many centuries, inspiring passionate myths of romance, intrigue, power, greed, and magic. In Ancient Hindus, they find diamonds washed out of the ground after thunderstorms, and believed that it was created when bolts of lightning struck rocks. They even placed some in the eyes of some of their statues. Jewish high priests turned to diamonds to decide the innocence or guilt of the accused: a stone held before a guilty person was supposed to dull and darken, while when held before an innocent one to glow with increased brilliance…

The Romans wore diamonds because these were thought to possess broad magical powers over life’s troubles, being able in particular to give to the wearer strength, invincibility, bravery, and courage during battle.

Kings, in old days, led the battles on the battlefields wearing heavy leather breastplates studded with diamonds and other precious stones because it was believed that diamonds possessed God given magical qualities and powers far beyond the understanding of common man. Thus, warriors stayed clear of Kings and those who were fortunate enough to have the magical diamonds in their breastplates.

In our present place and time, the diamond is a symbol of enduring love, and often made as engagement rings....

...Diamond crystals...are a closed-tight network of carbon atoms that is securely held in four directions, making it the hardest natural substance in the world....

...It can be found in some samples of kimberlite -- a type of volcanic rock that is first identified in Kimberly, South Africa. Diamonds found in kimberlite are thought to be very old, perhaps as much as three billion years old. Tiny flecks of diamond have even been found inside meteorites -- bits of rocky space debris that land on Earth....

The Hope Diamond


hope diamond...American jeweler Simon Frankel was the original buyer of the Hope Diamond in 1901 who brought the stone to America, after which it was sold several times until it became the property of Pierre Cartier. Cartier knew that the wealthy and eccentric Evalyn Walsh McLean felt that bad luck objects became good luck in her possession, so he emphasized the Hope Diamond’s negative history. Many people believe that Cartier invented the story of the curse since research shows that the idea of a curse upon the diamond didn’t even appear until the 20th century.

Once Cartier reset the diamond, McLean bought it and wore it constantly. One story tells that Mrs. McLean’s doctor had to plead with her to remove the necklace before goiter surgery.

But tragedy soon struck the McLean family. Mrs. McLean’s nine year old son, Vinson, died in a car accident; her daughter committed suicide at age 25; her husband was committed to a mental hospital until his death in 1941. The Hope Diamond was sold along with McLean’s other jewelry in 1949 to settle estate debts, and its buyer was New York jeweler Harry Winston....

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Diamonds : History and Colors

History of Diamonds

diamond roughcut

In Myths about diamonds in valleys are protected by snakes, to the production of millions of carats in diamonds each year, the history of diamonds is one of mystical power, beauty and commercial expertise.

diamonds and rocks

Early History

The recorded history of the diamond is in India 3,000 years ago, where it is that diamonds were the first valued for it's ability to light refraction. In those days, the diamond was used in two ways-for decorative purposes, and as talisman to ward off evil or provide protection in battle.

The Dark Ages
The diamond was also used for some time as medical aid. One anecdote, written during the Dark Ages by St Hildegarde, relates how a diamond held in the hand while making a sign of the cross would heal wounds and cure illnesses. Diamonds were also ingested in the hope of curing sickness. During the early Middle Ages, Pope Clement unsuccessfully used this treatment in a bid to aid his recovery.

The Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages more attention was paid to the worth of diamonds, rather than the mystical powers surrounding them. Due to the heightened public awareness of the value of diamonds, mine owners perpetuated myths that diamonds were poisonous. This was to prevent the mineworkers swallowing the diamonds in an attempt to smuggle them out of the mines.

The popularity of diamonds surged during the Middle Ages, with the discovery of many large and famous stones in India, such as the Koh-I-Noor and the Blue Hope. Today India maintains the foremost diamond polishing industry in the world.

Recent Times

During the mid-nineteenth century, diamonds were also being discovered in eastern Australia. However, it was not until late 1970's, after seven years of earnest searching, that Australia's alleged potential as a diamond producer was validated.

On October 2nd 1979, geologists found the Argyle pipe near Lake Argyle: the richest diamond deposit in the world. Since then, Argyle has become the world's largest volume producer of diamonds, and alone is responsible for producing over a third of the world's diamonds every year.

Diamond Colors

pink diamond

Pink Diamonds

The pink diamond is the world's most rare and valuable diamond.The Argyle mine is the world's foremost source of unrivalled intense pink diamonds, producing 95% of the world's supply. However, an extremely small proportion of Argyle Diamonds production is Pink color, in fact less than one tenth of 1% is classified Pink.

The legend of Argyle pink diamond has grown over the past ten years. At the 1989 Christie's auction in New York a 3.14 carat Argyle pink sold for $1,510,000. Privately, Argyle has sold pink diamonds for up to $1 million a carat.

For years the white diamond was considered the world's most beautiful diamond, until the discovery of the Argyle mine heralded the arrival of the Argyle pink diamond. Never before had pink diamonds displaying such intense shades of color been seen. The pink diamonds of India, Brazil and Africa were characteristically light in color and paled even further when placed beside the intensely pink Argyle diamonds. The natural color diamonds have in fact been around as long as the classical whites but in much smaller quantities and never in great demand.

The Argyle pink diamond comes in shades ranging from delicate pastel rose to robust raspberry and full-blooded purple-reds. The prices per carat are determined by the intensity of color. Argyle selects only its most vibrant pink diamonds for polishing at its head office in Perth. There, the stones are polished in a wide range of cuts, such as round brilliant, marquise, oval and pear, to enhance their natural beauty. Polished pink diamonds are available in the same size ranges as traditional commercial sizes.

vinci diamond

White Diamonds

White diamonds are produced by mines all over the world in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.The white diamonds recovered from the Argyle mine are particularly brilliant and of high quality.

champagne diamonds

Champagne Diamonds

Champagne diamonds are naturally colored diamonds that are produced in a wide range of colors from light straw to rich cognac. The 4C's of color, cut, clarity and carat weight apply to colored diamonds just as they do to colorless diamonds except the intensity of color, not lack of it, plays a greater part in the valuation.

yellow diamond

Yellow Diamonds

Fancy yellow diamonds come in a broad range of shades ranging from light yellow to a rich canary color. A limited quantity of fancy yellow diamonds is recovered from the Argyle mine.

blue diamond

Blue Diamonds

Fancy blue diamonds are available in a wide range of shades, from the blue of the sky to a more "steely" color than sapphire. Limited quantities of fancy blue diamonds are recovered from the Argyle mine.

green diamond

Green Diamonds

Fancy green diamonds are also available. Usually, penetration of the color is not very deep and is often removed during the fashioning of the stone. A limited quantity of fancy green diamonds is recovered from the Argyle mine.
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Celebrities wearing Expensive Jewelries with Diamonds....

bochic necklace Bochic in 22k gold set with rose-cut diamonds

During the award seasons active stories are placements and the business on the red carpet. The Diamond Information Center, which promotes actively diamonds before the Golden Globes with a midday meal that was organized with InStyle, is rising above the fray this year (and helping to offset any Blood Diamond-inspired red carpet remarks like those by Djimon Hounsou at the Globes) by offering nominees or presenters at the Golden Globes, Grammys, or Academy Awards who wear a diamond right-hand ring a $10,000 donation in their name to a cause or project in Southern Africa. Raise Your Right Hand Ring for Africa is sponsored by red-carpet regular jewelers, including H. Stern, Martin Katz, and Neil Lane. DIC hopes to raise $100,000 for these causes this year and is well on the way already.

Angelina Jolie wearing a vintage Indian-style suite by Bochic in 22k gold set with rose-cut diamonds. She with her husband Brad Pitt during the Golden Globe Awards.

Beyonce wearing fancy colored diamonds in unusual shades surrounded by gold, all by designer Lorraine Schwartz: a natural multi-colored diamond and old ivory bangle; earrings with 40 carats of diamonds in unusual colors; and a grey, yellow and white diamond right hand ring. It was during the Golden Globe Awards.

Jennifer Lopez wearing gold and black gold chandelier earrings, coil bracelets and rings by Lorraine Schwartz. This was during the Golden Globe Awards Night.
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Blood Diamonds : What does it mean?

A Blood diamond also known as conflict diamond. Mined in a war zone and sold, that are usually kept or done in secret, in order to finance a rebel or invading army's war efforts. Nongovernmental organizations have also alleged the use of these diamonds in financing the September 11, 2001 attacks...

More informations about Blood Diamond here

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Blue Sapphire : The gem related to Saturn?

blue sapphireSapphire (comes from Hebrew word: ספיר Sapir). The aluminium oxide (Al2O3) single-crystal form mineral also known as corundum. Found naturally as gemstones or manufactured in large crystal boules for varied applications, including infrared optical components, watch faces, high-durability windows, and wafers for the deposition of semiconductors such as GaN nanorods. The corundum group consists of pure aluminium oxide. Trace amounts of other elements such as iron, titanium and chromium give sapphires their blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange or greenish color. Sapphire includes any gemstone quality varieties of the mineral corundum except the fully saturated red variety, which is instead known as ruby. Blue Sapphire is the gem related to Saturn, which is the planet of wisdom, integrity and discipline. It rules responsibility, leadership, ambition and wisdom born of experience. It's also the planet of renunciation and spiritual journey. Wearing an unheated blue sapphire of at least 1.5 carats is said to bring discipline and bestow the ability to govern and lead others. Blue sapphire can be substituted with blue spinel, amethyst, blue tourmaline of at least 3-4 carats.
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