

Diamonds from the umbilical cord of a baby

We were almost as amazed as you are now when we learned from our lab' technicians that the umbilical cord contains more carbon than even ashes or hair. They had shocked us initially stating that the human nails, animals hoof and horn can be used to grow the diamonds, so as we haven't actually made any diamonds from an umbilical cord, we look forward to further experiments.

UPDATE : We now have a donated cord - which fortunately is from a new born healthy baby, so we will not be calling it a 'Memorial Diamond' it is much more like a 'Celebration Diamond'.
The process has begun and we will keep you posted.
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Laboratory created Coloured Diamonds

As from January 2008, we are pleased to be able to offer a new range of 'fancy' coloured diamonds, in the ranges of Aqua Blue, Topaz Blue, Vivid red and of course we still make the Amber and Canary coloured diamonds.
The 'Fancies' use a new process but whereas where we use 35-40 grams per carat for the yellow range, for the blues and fancy colours need to use 500 grams. The costs are reflected in the extremely high-tech process and the length of time it takes (over 3 months) at £9985/carat.
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Fantastic Funerals

The Fantastic Funeral Company is a new concept in planning and preparing for the end of life. Our focus is very much about celebrating life and recognising that because everyone is individual, they may choose to depart from this life in a less sombre way than tradition has dictated in the past. The Fantastic Funeral Company gives everyone the opportunity to take control of all aspects of planning and preparing for death. We know from experience that lack of planning and consultation can have devastating effects on the remaining family and friends.

During our research process we spoke with many people about death and dying, listening to a large percentage of people who talked openly and frankly about their own funeral wishes. Many expressed relief, stating that we are a much needed company as they had attended funerals that didn’t portray their loved ones as they had known them. With this in mind, we have produced a ‘Wish List’ which is a comprehensive end of life and funeral planning document. We also provide a full consultancy service.

If it’s a life worth living it’s a life worth celebrating

Link to their site

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Blood Diamond - Movie about Conflict Diamonds

Djimon Hounsou in Blood DiamondA movie about Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio), a man who is use in torture. With a strong survival instinct, he has become himself the key in the business of conflict diamonds. Political unrest is rampant in Sierra Leone as people fight tooth for tooth. Upon meeting Solomon, and the beautiful Maddy, Archer's life changes forever as he is given a chance to make peace with the war around him.

A story setting in Sierra Leone, where the fisherman Solomon Vandy dreams on the day that his young son Dia Vandy will become a doctor. His dreams are shattered when the rebels invade his village and kidnap him to work in the diamond mines. Solomon finds a huge pink diamond and while hiding it, the commandant of the rebels sees, but the rebels are attacked and Salomon is arrested by the government army. While in jail, the wounded commandant tell the prisoners that Salomon found the stone, and the mercenary smuggler Danny Archer from Zimbabwe releases Salomon and proposes to exchange the diamond by his missing family. Using the idealistic American journalist Maddy Bowen, Danny locates the wife and daughters of Salomon in a refugee camp, but is informed that his son has been recruited by the rebels. Salomon and Danny consolidate a partnership, with Salomon looking for and finding his son, and Danny looking for the diamond and finding redemption.

"A story about the fisherman, a smuggler, and a syndicate of businessmen match wits over the possession of a blood diamond."

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