

Necklace: Hekla

In my previous post I posted a little preview on what I was working on, and yesterday I managed to finally finish up the "Hekla" necklace I mentioned a few words about. Today I also managed to get a few nice photos of it that wasn't totally wrong.

For those that aren't familiar with what Hekla is, she's a volcano on Iceland, the biggest volcano there to be precisely.

The way the inspiration to create this piece came to me was when I had a conversation with a friend about the other big volcano, Ejafjallajökull, that erupted a couple of years ago and interrupted pretty much all the flights worldwide.
We were talking about how some biologist, on the news, mentioned that normally it shouldn't take too much time until Hekla follows Ejafjallajökull, and erupts, as it has been like that before.

The idea of this necklace was to make a volcano silhouette, upside-down with a huge fringe of crystals falling down from the crater.
God... Describing the inspiration in a language that isn't my main one is really hard; I find it hard enough to do it in Swedish, but I do hope you understand where I'm going with this! XD

The materials I used are a load bunch of different beads in different sizes, shapes and finishes in black color. I also added a few gunmetal colored beads here and there to give the piece some depth. For the fringe I used mainly 3 and 4mm Swarovski crystal bicones in red/orange/yellow shades and some red and orange silver lined seed beads as company.
For the clasp, I used an antique gold plated hook clasp, seed beads, 4mm Swarovksi crystal bicones, 8mm round glass beads and two 12mm lava stone beads :3

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Brown Diamonds

Brown Diamonds are the most common color variety of natural diamonds. The brown color makes them less attractive as gemstones and most are used for industrial purposes, however, technical advances and improved marketing programs, especially in Australia, have resulted in brown diamonds becoming valued as gemstones in recent years. A significant portion of the output of Australian diamonds mines is brown stones. A large amount of scientific research has gone into  understanding the origin of the brown color. Several causes have been identified, including irradiation treatment, nickel impurities and lattice defects associated with plastic deformation, the latter are considered as the prodominant cause, especially in pure diamonds.A high pressure high temperature treatment has been developed that heals lattice defects and converts brown diamonds into yellow or even colorless stones.

Causes of Color Diamonds
Irradiation of diamonds by high energy particles produces vacancies in the diamond lattic by ejecting carbon atom. Those vacancies produce green color centers in pure transparent diamond and yellow green color in yellow diamonds. The color of yellow diamonds results from small number of nitrogen atoms replacing carbon in the attince. Heating the irradiated diamonds to temperatures above 600 'C result in brown color associated with aggregation of the vacancies, with or without nitrogen involved.
Such irradiation and annealing treatment can occur in nature because diamonds are often accompanied by uranium containing ores which emit alpha particles. However, the thus produced color is restricted to a thin surface layer of few mictometers. Homogeneous color can be produced if the treatment is performed artificially, using  electros, neutrons or gamma rays. Radiation treatment induces characteristic sharp optical absorption lines which can be easily detected by spectroscopic techniques.

Brown synthetic diamonds
Synthetic diamonds created by compressing graphite to several gigapascals and heating to temperatures above 1500 'C are usually rich in nitrogen. Nitrogen in those diamonds in dispersed through the lattice as single atoms and induces yellow color. Nickel is often added to graphite to accelerate its conversion into diamond. Incorporation of nickel and nitrogen into diamond induces brown color. Nickel is easily detectable by characteristic, sharp optical absorption and luminescence signals making such diamonds easily identifiable

Natural brown diamonds
Whereas the brown color due to irradiation or nickel impurity can be easily recognized through spectroscopic measurements the majority of natural brown diamonds do not show any characteristic absorption peaks. Whereas the consensus has been reached that the color reates to the plastic deformation, the paricular reason has been reliably identified only in type lla natural brown diamond. Other recent results suggest that these large clusters of vacancies are a likely cause in other types of diamonds as we. Those lattice defects are most likely responsible for the color of  the notable diamonds.

Heat-treated brown diamonds
The comcept that brown color might be related to lattice imperfections has led to a technuque to convert brown diamonds into more valued light-yellow or even colorless ones. the diamonds is subjected to high pressures of 6-10 GPa and temperatures above 1600 'C that heals those defects. The technique has been demonstrated in several research laboratories  in Russia and the United States. In March 1999, Pegasus Overseas Ltd from Antwerp, Belgium, a subsidiary of Lazare Kaplan International, POL or  GEPOL  and were marketed in the US as Bellataire diamonds.  The existence and identity of the treatment process was considered so important that micrometer sized letters "GEPOL" were inscribed with a laser on the girdles of every treated diamonds in 2004 however the GE diamonds section was purchased by Littlejohn & Co. and renamed Diamond Innovations. Since 1999, several companies around the world have adopted the technique and use various brand names for the processe diamonds.
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So what's up?

For this past two weeks I've been working on pretty three different bead embroidery projects at the same time, and thought I would share a little work in progress pic :)

I've been having one of these projects in mind for quite some time, I've just never dared to start on it cause I know for a fact that this is gonna take ages to finish; a bead embroidered clutch! I've actually been thinking about either a classical handbag or a clutch. I figured that I would give the smaller "clutch" a try, since I actually want to design the whole thing. I mean as in designing the silhouette myself as well. I've seen a lot of other beaders doing bead embroidery on a bag, but those I've seen I've noticed that they already took a completed bag and then embellished it with bead embroidery. I have background in sewing, and I just love playing around with a sewing machine, and the work I was involved in before I moved to Belgium was in a sewing studio. Although I'm just gonna hand-sew the clutch as the machine wont be able to cope with the beads, clearly :P

The other, bit thing to the right I've been working on, which is almost completed is a bead embroidered collar. I took a different toll design wise when I wanted to make this one.
The inspiration came pretty when I was thinking back to a couple of years ago when that volcano in Iceland erupted "Ejafjallajökull". What I heard on the news from a biologist, normally it doesn't take too long before the greatest volcano on Iceland, "Hekla", erupts as well. Cause according to him each time the other one have erupted, the bigger one follows.
Watching the fantastic and beautiful photographs of the lava sprouting out from the volcano (I went back and watched 'em) gave me the idea for this necklace.

The little bead embroidery project in the middle is actually another pendant, which will be in the same style as the two previous ones; "Forest Sprite" and "Twilight Sprite".
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List Of Diamonds # 1

List of diamonds a number of large or extraordinary diamonds have gained fame both as exquisite examples of the beautiful nature of diamonds and because of the famous people who wore, bought, and sold them. A partial list of famous diamonds in history follows.

Akbar Shah Diamonds
Uncut weight 116 carat
Cut weight     71.7
An Indian diamond which became famous during the days of the Mughal Empire.A diamond with a roughly pear shaped outline and random faceting, including two Persian inscriptions, the first reading "Shah Akber" the grand king, 1028 A.H. The second inscription read "To the Lord Two Worlds, 1039 A.H. Shah Jehan." The diamonds was reportedly part of the original Peacock Throne. Purchased in 1886 in Istanbul by London merchant George Blogg, who re cut it from 1165 carats to a pear shape of 71.70 carats thus destroying the historic inscriptions. Blogg was the last known owner and the stone's whereabouts are presently unknown.

Allnatt Diamond
Cut weight 101.29
Color Yellow
A 101.29 carat antique cushion-shaped brilliant fancy vivid yellow diamond.

Agra Diamond
Cut weight 28
Antique cushion shaped stellar brilliant 28 carats.

Amarillo Diamond
Uncut weight 16.37
Cut weight 7.54
The largest diamond found by a park visitor in the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkanasas since 1972, when it was established as a state park. It was found by W. W. Johnson of Amarillo Taxes in 1975 and was a 16.37 carats white diamond but it has since been cut into a 7.54 carats marquise shape.

Amsterdam Diamond
Cut weight 33.74 carat
color black
A 33.74 carat pear shaped black Diamond which sold for $352,000 in 2001.

The Angola Star Diamond
Uncut weight 217.39
A 217.39 carat rough diamond found in Angola

Archduke Joseph Diamonds
Uncut Weight 78.54 carat
Cut Weight 76.02
Historical cushion shaped D colour internally flawless Golconds diamonds sold on 13 November 2012 by Christies to an anonymous buyer for US$21.4 M.

Ashberg Diamond
Cut weight 102.48 carat
Color Amber
102.48 carats

Aurora Butterfly Of Peace Diamond
A display of  296 diamonds of natural color.

Aurora Pyramid of Hope
A display of 296 diamonds of natural colors.

Beau Sancy Diamond
cut weight 34.98 carat
A 34.98 carat pear shaped diamond,which sold for US $10 million in 2012.Not to be confused with the Sancy.

Black Moon Diamond
cut weight 27.77 carat
Color black
Third largest faceted black diamond in the world. The black moon in the world. The Black moon in a private collection in upstate NY.

Black Orloy Diamond
cut weight 67.5 carat
color black
A 67.50 carat cushion cut black diamond also called the Eye of  Brahma Diamond.

Blue Heart Diamond
UnCut weight 103 carat
cut weight 30.82 carat
30.82 carats possibly the oldest diamond on record.

Briolette of India Diamond
Cut weight 90.38
90.38 carats possibly the oldest diamond on record.

Centenary Diamond
Uncut weight 599 carat
Cut weight 273.85
273.85 carats, modified heart shaped brilliant the worlds largest colorless flawless diamond.

Chloe Diamond
Cut weight 84.37 carat
Largest round brilliant cut diamond ever put on auction. Sold on November 14, 2007 at Sotheby's in Guess clothing line for $16.2 million, the second highest price ever paid for a diamond on auction. Took 2 years to cut.

Cora Sun Drop Diamond
Cut weight 110.30
Color Yellow
Largest known pear shape fancy vivid yellow diamond, found in South Africa.

Cross of Asia Diamond
UnCut weight 200 carat
Cut weight 142
Color Yellow
Discovered in 1902 in South Africa as a 280 carat crystal. At first diamond was cut to 142. carats and next the cut was three times changed to 112 carats a cushion cut of 109.28 carats the weight Lawernce Copland diamond Famous Notable and Unique list it measuring.

Cullinan Diamond
Uncut Weight 3106.75 carat
The largest rough gem-quality diamond ever found at 3106.75 carats it was cut into 105 diamonds including the Cullinan L or the Great Star of Africa, 530.2 carats, and the Cullinan II or the Lesser Star of Africa, 317.4 carats both of which are now part of the British Crown Jewels.

Cullinan Heritage Diamonds
Set the record for the highest price ever paid for a rough diamond in February 2010 when it was sold for $35.3m to a Hong Kong Jeweller.Petra Diamonds mined the stone in 2009 at their Cullinan Diamond Mine in South Africa.

Darya-ye Noor Diamond
Cut weight 182 carat
Color Pink
The largest pink diamond in the world approximately 182 carats originally from India but now part of Iranian Crown Jewels. its exact weight is not known, 182 carats is an estimate.

Deepdene Diamond
Cut weight 104.52 carat
Color Yellow
Widely considered to be the largest artificially irradiated diamond in the world at 104.52 carats.

De Young Red Diamond
Cut weight 5.03
Color Red
Weighing 5.03 carats the fourth largest known red diamond GIA graded as the Fancy Dark Reddish Brown, was bought in a flea market on a hatpin by Sidney deYoung a prominent Boston estate jewelry merchant.

Dresden Green Diamond
Cut weight 41 carat
Color Green
41 carat antique pear shaped brilliant its color is the result of natural irradiation.

Dresdon White Diamond
Cut weight 47 carat
47 carat antique oval brilliant near colorless

Dresden Yellow Diamond
Cut weight 38
Color Yellow
38 carat antique round cut.

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Diamonds As An Investment

Diamond as an Investment and today diamond prices
Popularity of diamonds has risen since the 19th century because of successful advertising in spite of a greatly increased supply. Diamonds are not normally used as a mainline store of value during times of crisis, because of their lack of frangibility and low liquidity. However, they may still be useful during times of hyperinflation.
Approximately 30% of mined diamonds are used in jewelry and 70% for industrial uses.
Chemical vapor deposition is now used to produce synthetic diamonds which unlike diamond stimulants inherit all the properties of gemstones formed in nature.
The highest returns seen in the diamond investment market have come from pinks, Yellows, Blue and Greens. Some colored diamonds have doubled in price in recent years. This is due to a increase in demand and a massive decrease in supply. The Argyle Mine in Western Australia is the world's largest producer of colored diamonds, and the Rio Tinto Group has announced its closure in 2016-2020.

Price Fluctuations of Diamond:.
Historically, rough diamond price have been controlled by the De Beers Group, which has a 40% to 50% market share. Botswana is currently the largest producer of diamonds by value, with mines operated by Debswana, a joint vanture between De Beers and the government of Botswana. Since the 1980s, other producers have developed new mines in Russia, Canada and Australia for example, Challenging De Beers; dominance. De Beers interacts with the diamond market through its trading company DTC.
Polished diamond price & Diamond Price vary widely depending on a diamond's carat, color, clarity and cut, sometimes referred to as the 4 C's. In contrast to precious metals, there is no universal world price per gram for diamonds. The industry refers to price guides such as the Rapaport Diamond Report. Price Scope, Ajediam Antwerp Diamonds Monthly and The Germ Guide, which are published weekly, monthly or quarterly. Gemstone specialty organization  have varying standards which can be used to aid in diamond identification and pricing, including GIA, HRD and IGI. These organizations focus on research and education, which they pass on to their members and the public.

Diamonds Funds
In July 2007, Diapason Commodities Management delayed listing a new investment company called Diamond Circle Capital, which aimed to invest in large polished diamonds worth more than $1 million each. As of 2008, the fund offering was postponed until further notice.
In November 2012, Pure Funds launched an Exchange Traded Fund on the New York Stock Exchange, that invest in companies engaged in the diamond industry, rather than physical diamonds.
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Diamond Comic Distributors

Diamonds Comic Distributors, Inc. often called Diamond Comics, DCD, or casually Diamond is the largest comic book distributor serving Norh America. They transport comic books from both big and small comic book publishers, or suppliers, to the retailers. Diamond dominates the direct market in the United States, and has exclusive arrangements with most major U.S. comics publishers, including Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, IDW Publishing, Image Comics, Marvel Comics, and Radical Comics.
Diamond is also the parent company of Diamond Select Toys, Diamond Auctions, Alliance Game Distributors, Baltimore magazine, Diamond Book Distributors, E. Gerber Products, Gemstone Publishing, and Geppi's Entertainment Museum.
Diamond publishes previews a monthly catalog showcasing upcoming comic books, graphic novels, toys and other pop-culture related items available at comic book specialty shops. The publication is available to both comic merchants and consumers.

Diamond Comic Distributors Publishing
Diamond's monthly comics retail catalog has been produced by Diamond for over twenty years for store owners to order products from. It is additionally available for sale to customers to facilitate personal orders. Comics publishers vie for space within the publication's pages, with DC, image, and Dark Horse taking precedence. Marvel Comics has its own separate section of available separately, for contractual reasons. A fifth publishing company, IDW was offered a separate section in 2010 as a premium publisher.
Geppi is president and publisher of Gemstone Publishing Inc. through which he publishes Russ Cochran's EC Comics reprints, Disney comics and Blue Book price guide the over street comic book price guide. Diamond also publishers a weekly e-newsletter dealing with collectibles, called scoop.

Gemstone Publishing
Geppi's publishing ventures in the comics field saw him form Gemstone Publishing Inc. Which was formed in large part from other purchases in 1992 Diamond bought Ernst Gerber Publishing. E. Gerber Products LLC is a Diamond affiliated company started by Gerber in 1977 which sells Mylar bags as well as acid-free boxes and acid-free backing boards for comics collectors to store their collection in. In 1993, Geppi bought Russ Cochran Publishing. Long Term EC Comics fan Cochran auctioned Bill Gaines personal file copies of EC publications, as well as most pages of original EC artwork, before being granted the reprint rights to the EC back catalog itself. Geppi included Cochran's publications, and Cochran himself under his new imprint, Gemstones Publishing.

Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles
Envisioned to create collectibles for children,  DST was founded in 1999 and has since licensed a variety of pop culture properties, including Marvel Comics, Transformers, G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero, Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Ghostbusters, Halo, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Indiana Jones, Battlestar Galactica, 24 and Back to the Future. While they also make action figures in a variety of sizes, as well as banks, busts, statues and prop replicas, many of their licensed properties are released in the form of Minimates, which has helped make Minimates one of the most prolifice and diverse block figure toy lines in the world. In 2007, after years of partnership, Diamond select Toys made a move to acquire select assets of New York based design house Art Asylum the creators of Minimates, and DST has since developed Minimates, and DST has since developed Minimates based on its own concepts, under the brands Minimates M.A.X and Calico Jack's Pirate Raiders.

Diamond International Galleries
In 1995, Geppi  opened Diamond International Galleries a showplace for comics and collectibles, part of Geppi's attempts to see collectibles attain serious respect. Nine years later, Diamond International Galleries purchased one of the country's first and most respected collectibles auction houses, Hake's Americana & Collectibles. In 2005, Geppi added the Denver Pennsylvania based Morphy Auctions to his growing stable of parts of the collectibles market, which already included publishing the main comics price guid.
Geppi describe his International Galleries as being at the heart of many significant opportunities to preserve, promote and present historical comic character collectibles an endeavor that led to his establishing Geppi's Entertainment Museum. Geepi's galleries showcase much of his private collection, including comics, movie posters, toys, orignal artwork by individuals including Carl Barks, Gustav Tengren, Alex Ross, Murphy Anderson, Joe Shuster, Joe Simon and Charles Schulz.

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Diamond Gemstone

A Diamond Gemstone is one of the best known and most sought after gemstones. Diamonds have been known to mankind used as decorative items since ancient times, some of the earliest references can be traced to India.
The hardness of diamond and its high dispersion of light giving the diamonds its characteristic fire make it useful for industrial applications and desirable as jewelry. Diamond are such a highly traded commodity that multiple organizations have been created for grading and certifying them based on the four Cs, which are carat, cut, color and clarity. Other characteristics, such as presence or lack of fluorescence, also affect the desirability and thus the value of a diamond used for jewelry. Perhaps the most famous use of the diamond use in jewelry is in engagement rings, which became popular in the early to mind 20th century have been used to symbolize engagements since at least the 15th century. The diamond's high value has also been the driving force behind dictators and revolutionary entities, especially in Africa, using slave and child labor to mine blood diamonds to fund conflicts.

Color of Diamond Gemstones
The finest quality as per color grading is totally colorless, which is graded as "D" color diamond across the globe, meaning is absolutely free from any color. The next grade has a very slight trace of color, which can be observed by any expert diamond value/grading laboratory. However when studded in jewellery these very light colored diamonds do not show any color or it is not possible to make out color shade. These are graded as E color or F color diamonds
Diamonds which show very little traces of color are grade as G or H color diamonds. Slightly colored diamonds are graded as I or J or K color. A diamond can be found in any color in addition to colorless. Some of the colored diamonds, such as pink, are very rare.
A chemically pure and structurally perfect diamond is perfectly transparent with no hue, or color. However, in reality most gem sized natural diamonds are imperfect. The color of a diamond may be affected by chemical impurities and structural defects in the crystal lattice. Depending on the hue and intensity of a diamonds coloration, a diamonds color can either detract from or enhance its value. For example, most white diamonds are discounted in price as more yellow hue is detectable, while intense pink or blue diamonds such as the Hope diamond can be dramatically more valuable. The Aurora Diamond Collection displays a spectacular array of naturally colored diamonds, which occur in every color of the rainbow.
Most Diamonds used as gemstones are basically transparent with little tint, or white diamonds. The most common impurity, nitrogen, replaces a small proportion of carbon atoms in a diamonds structure and causes a yellowish to brownish tint. This effect is present in almost all white diamonds, in only the rarest diamonds is the coloration from this effect undetectable. The GIA has developed a rating system for color in white diamonds, from "D" to "Z" which has been widely adopted in the industry and is universally recognized, superseding several older system. The GIA system uses a benchmark set of natural diamonds of known color grade, along with standardized and carefully controlled lighting conditions. Diamonds with higher color grades are rarer, in higher demand, and therefore more expensive, then lower grades.
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London Gold Pool

The London Gold Pool was the pooling of Gold reserves by a group of eight central banks in the United States and seven European countries that agreed on 1 November 1961 to cooperate in maintaining the Bretton Woods System of fixed-rate convertible currencies and defending a gold price of  US$35 per troy ounce by interventions in the London Gold Market.
The central banks coordinated concerted methods of gold sales to balance spikes in the market price of gold as determined by the London morning Gold Fixing While buying gold on price weaknesses. The United states provided 50% of the required gold supply for sale. The price controls were successful for six years when the system became no longer workable because the pegged price of gold was too low, runs on gold, the British pound, and the US dollar occurred, and France decided to withdraw from the pool. The Pool collapsed in March 1968.
The London Gold Pool controls were followed with an effort to suppress the gold with a two-tier system of official exchange and open market transactions, but this gold window collapsed in 1971 with the Nixon Shock, and resulted in the onset of the gold bull market  which saw the price of  gold appreciate rapidly to US$850 in 1980.

Gold Price Regulation:.
In 1944, before conclusion of World War II, delegates from the 44 allied nations nations gathered in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, tho reestablish and regulate the international financial system. The meeting resulted in the founding of the international Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and was followed by other post-war reconstruction efforts, such as establishing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The IMF was charged with the maintenance of a system of international currency exchange rates which became known as the Bretton Woods system.
Foreign exchange market rates were fixed, but were allowed adjustments when necessary and currencies were required to be convertible. For this purpose, all currencies had to be backed be either physical gold reserves, or a currency convertible into gold and United States dollar was recognized as the world's reserve currency as an anchor currency or the system. The price of one troy ounce of gold was pegged to US$35. There was still an open gold market. For the Brotton Woods system to remain effective, the fix of the dollar to gold would have to be adjustable, or the free market price of gold would have to be maintained near the $35 official foreign exchange price. The larger the gap know s the gold window between free market gold price and the foreign exchange rete, the more tempting it was for nations to deal eith internal economic crises by buying gold at the Bretton Woods price and selling it in the gold market.
The Bretton woods system was challenged by several crises. As the economic post-war upswing proceeded, international trade and foreign exchange reserve rose, while the gold supply increased only marginally. In the recessions of the 1950s, the US had to convert vast amounts of gold, and the Bretton Woods system suffered increasing break down due to US payment Imbalances.
After oil import quotas and restrictions on trade outflows were insufficient by 1960 targeted efforts began to maintain the Bretton Woods System and to enforce the US$35 per ounce gold valuation, Late in 1960, amidst of US election debates, panic buying of gold led to a surge in price to over US$40 per oz, causing agreements between the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England to stabilize the price by allocating for sale substantial gold supplies held by the bank of England. The United States sought means of ending the drain on its gold reserves.
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Gold Mining

Gold Mining

Gold Mining is the removal of gold from the ground. There are several techniques and processes by the which gold may be extracted from the earth.

History on Gold Mining
It is impossible to know the exact date that humans first began to mine gold, but some of the oldest known gold artifacts were found the Varna Necropolis in Bulgaria. The graves of the necropolis were built between 4700 and 4200 NC, indicating that gold mining could be at least 7000 year old.
Gold objects  are plentiful in the Bronze age, especially in Ireland and Spain, and there are several well known possible sources.
Romans used hydraulic mining methods, such as hushing and ground sluicing on a large scale to extract gold from extensive alluvial deposits, such as those at Las Medulas. Mining was under the control of the state but the mines may have been leased to civilian contractors some time later. The gold served as the primary medium of exchange within the empire, and was an important motive in the Roman invasion o f Britain by Claudius in the first century A.D., although there is only one known Roman gold Mine at Dolaucothi in west Wales. Gold was a prime motivation for the campaign in Dacia when the Romans invaded Transylvania in what is now modern Romania in the second century A.D. The legions were led by the emperor Trajan, and their exploits are shown on Trajan's Column in Rome and the several reproduction of the column elsewhere such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
Under the Eastern Roman Empire Emperor Justinian's rule, gold was mined in the Balkans, Anatolia, Armenia, Egypt, and Nubia. Gold was first mined in the area of the Kolar Gold Fields in Bangarpet Taluk of Kolar District of Karnataka state, India, prior to the 2nd and 3rd century A.D., by digging small pits. During the Chola period in the 9th and 10th century A.D, the scale of the operation grew.
The tradition of mining gold started at least as early as the first millennium B.C. The Champion reef at the Kolar Gold field was mined to a depth of 50 meters during the Gupta period in the fifth century A.D. The metal continued to be mined by the eleventh century kings of South India, the Vijayanagara Empire from 1336 to 1560, and later by Tipu Sultan, the King of Mysore state and the British. It is estimate that the total gold production in Karnataka to date is 1000 tons.
Mining of the Slovak deposit primarily aroung Kremnica were the last largest of the Medieval period in Europe. The discovery of gold  in the Wiiwatersrand led to the Second Boer War and ultimately the founding of South Africa.
The Carlin Trend of Neyada U.S. was discovered in 1961. Official  estimates indicate that total world gold production  since the beginning of civilization has been 4,970,000,000 troy ounces and total Nevada production is three percent of that, which ranks Nevada as one of the Earth's Primary Gold Producing regions.
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