

How to Choose the Perfect Ring

Choosing a ring

When it comes to choosing our own jewelry we can be very picky as well as we can be very impulsive buyers. I would like to give you some advice about choosing your rings. When I help out my customers in person I get to really direct them into jewelry that fits for them individually. What I mean by that, is that many people only look at the jewelry without taking in consideration their hands, fingers & comfort. When choosing a ring of course we want the ring to look good but will it look good on our specific type of hands? It's just like clothing, it may look great on the models but maybe not so much on you. Look at your hands, are they wide or narrow, are your fingers short, long, thin...

If you have big hands you must get a solid ring because chances are your hands are strong & you use them accordingly & you don't want the band to brake. Also don't choose something too tiny it will look out of proportions. Wide bands can fit you but not too wide, go for about half an inch wide. You are one of the lucky people who can wear very large stones
so don't miss out on that!

If you have small thin hands you probably already know that rings which are too massive & heavy aren't meant for you. Go for filigree or Celtic designs they will be much more comfortable & will suit you best. Wide bands can suit you as long as they are not too wide & keeps you from closing your hands completely so if you buy online & don't get to actually try it on before buying verify the width.

Wide bands are very hot right now, but they aren't meant for everyone. Long slim fingers suit them best. Actually most rings will suit you best but not too narrow, stick with about a quarter inch and more width in the front.

Short chubby fingers sorry for you but you should avoid wide bands, you wont be comfortable & it will end up in a jewelry box. If you have short fingers choose a thinner band with the front part small to medium size. If you really want to go with a wide band well choose one that tapers down in the back to about a quarter of an inch or less. Try a colorful stone that will catch the eye or maybe a cameo ring.

I hope this advice will help you find rings that better suit you & that it will have you purchase the right ones. After all when we love a ring, that it looks great on your hand & it is comfortable it often ends up being a real treasure.

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Learn More About The Warranty of Fossil Watches

What would you do when the watch you just bought fails to work? Would you throw it away? You would certainly think about returning it to the store where you bought it. It should come to your awareness that these stores are sometimes not responsible for your carelessness or rather the faults of the timepieces. Shopping for a luxury timepiece should be done carefully to ensure that you get the best watch that will have warranty cover. That is the prime reason why you need to go for Fossil watches. Why do we say that? These timepieces have warranty. This means that in case of any faults that can be attributed to the manufacturer's mistakes you can easily return them and get replacements.

Wait! Before you think about returning the watch that you just bought from the store, you should take some time to think about the faults that the watch has. This will save you time and money in case the problem was as a result of your own mistake. If the watch's screen cracked as you were taking it home, you should not return it since this is not covered under the warranty that the Fossil watches provide. Also, if water entered into the watch and it failed to work, then this will also mean that warranty will not cover you. It is very important to know the areas that the warranty cover will protect you. This ensures that you try to maintain your watch in the best way and avoid any mistakes.

Manufacturer's defects will be taken care of under the warranty cover. This implies that if your watch does not keep time as required then this could be due to improper setting. Chances are that your watch is too fast or too slow hence the best way to deal with such a situation is to return it to the store where you bought it from. Keep in mind that you would not be charged anything for these types of repairs. However, the only cost that you would have to incur is the shipping charge. Thus, depending on your area of residence, the amount to pay would differ. The idea of fixing any manufacturer's defects is something that makes Fossil watches stand out as the best timepieces.

How can you avoid taking your watch for repair? It is very important that you take a good care of your watch. This applies to those individuals that shop for expensive luxury watches. Keep in mind that once your wristwatch is repaired by other parties, this will void the entire warranty that your watch had. It is therefore vital that you take care of your watch and avoid taking it to the regular watch repairers that are not qualified. Take tips on how to take care of your timepiece. For instance, if your wristwatch is not water resistant, you should always take it off when you let's say, go swimming. Make sure that you follow the guides to avoid voiding the warranty coverage that would protect your precious timepiece.

To find the best Fossil watches (in Danish Fossil ure ) at an affordable price online, visit this website. There you will also find automatic watches (or as the Danes say automatik ure ) and more.
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This is The Time to Buy Ladies Watches And Watch Your Life Changing

Everybody is aware of the fact that ladies watches are something valuable and extremely important for a woman. They do not have just the use of showing the time, but it is something deeper, which they represent. Actually I could say that they carry a whole world of thoughts, meanings, feelings and ways of lifestyle! Exactly, as you just read, just a watch can express so many things and much more I could say.

First of all, women watches are considered mostly as jewelry , therefore women give to their watches extremely high attention, when they are going to buy one, because except of the fact that it has to be matches with the clothing and the outer style, it has to be unique and in accordance with its owner's character, image and lifestyle. Since it the type of apparatus that completes and highlights the total look of a woman, it is essential to be the perfect and ideal watch, which will enhance their magnificence and harmonize the total look.

So, whether you are going to buy the "one" from the women watches category, either it is for yourself or it is indented to be a gift, you have to be very careful and give special attention to your selection. There are plentiful and different kinds of ladies watches in the market, so you have the ability to choose according the mood, the profession, the activity, even a special event, and the ideal watch for the specific purpose. Moreover there is the option, buying the suitable women watch to have the ability to make changes on it, like adjusting its bend, setting different faces and creating a different ladies watch for every occasion and whenever you want to. Especially, that kind of watch is the ultimate if you are a person who often changes mood and activities, or in case the person you indent to make the watch as a gift has too many levels of living or you do not know too many things about her life and her character. Especially in the last case, the specific watch will be a bonus for you, since it will combine a playful character with your strong willingness to know her better, if you are interested in her. But in case, you know the way she gets dressed and her personal prefers, then you should keep in mind that especially the ladies watches are paired with all the additional jewelry. Consequently, it is good to know when you are going to buy women watches that they have to be matched with the majority of accessories.

As you just understood from the above, there is a great number of woman watches to buy, accordingly all you have to do is to measure the appropriate factors so as to choose the ideal one. But generally, while you choose a ladies watch, you should give emphasis to the design and if you can afford it, to the brand, as well. I do not believe that there one woman in the world, who will have a designer watch and will not feel flattered, glad and happy. The next in preferences, according my opinion, is the watches which have extra functions, and especially the hi-tech/gadget ones. Of course, the majority of them are not so much fashionable, but since they are multifunctional they gain more and more fans and special women! Especially, if the woman watch contains functions, which are in complete agreement with the personal tastes and hobbies (for example an mp3 function for someone who loves the music or a palmograph for women who do aerobics) then you have to be totally sure that this woman will remember you and your gift forever, because not only you make her just a present, but something that indicates that you care for her and have paid attention to her needs and thoughts. The best way to capture her heart forever!

Jankauf is an Online watch shop in UK offers wide range of ladies watches, Buy online Women watches at discounted rates. woman watches will give impressive look.
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Let Buying Diamond Jewelry Add Sparkle to Your Life

Human beings since time immemorial have loved adornments or embellishments. Jewelry as decorative item has been in vogue since the time of kings and queens. With time the shape, size and color has undergone immense transformation but the popularity remains the same. Today jewelry is no longer just pieces to beautify a woman but also an expression of just how precious one is to somebody. It is a special way to commemorate an important event such as wedding in one's life. Infact they are way more than just stones and metals, for they are a lifetime treasure of love and memory. Jewelry is something that last for generations as every piece is cherished and worn forever.

Generally jewelries are delicate hence they should be handled with care so that the sheen isn't lost. Chemical cleansers should be avoided as they are known to cause damage to any piece of jewelry. You can simply clean all of your jewelry with a polishing cloth. Jewelry is a kind of investment hence choosing a reliable dealer is a must. Purchasing jewelry of the highest quality ensures one of superior craftsmanship and good manufacture. You should not jump to any selection right away rather invest time in proper inspection of quality and only buy after you are fully satisfied with the condition of the jewelry.

It is advised that one should be extra cautious while buying diamond jewelry. It is a well known fact that diamond is a rare stone which makes it the most expensive in the market. Buyers should have the basic knowledge regarding them so that they make the right decision when shopping for diamonds. It is important to know that diamonds are graded on the basis of four factors. These factors are commonly referred to as the four Cs, Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut. The cut and clarity of the stone makes it more appealing than the size. Since every diamond is unique and has slight imperfections, it is essential to make comparisons to choose the best of the lot. Also jewelers price diamonds differently, depending on their shape, size and weight. Therefore one should look around to lay hands on the best deal. Be it regular or occasions, jewelry is just appropriate for all situations. Hence even if you have to buy silver ring or a necklace, it is important that you purchase what is worth of your money. Your time and money has certain value which the piece of jewelry should be able to justify.

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Let Buying Diamond Jewelry Add Sparkle to Your LifeNot Rated Yet

Landrum Bryant has published 1 article. Article submitted on June 25, 2013. Word count: 415

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Irish Wedding Rings

There are a number of Irish Wedding Rings that include Spirals, Triskeles, and Triquetas, Shield Knots and Sun Symbols. The most popular ring by far is the Irish Claddagh and it is surrounded by a romantic legend.

The Claddagh is as was said, the most popular in Ireland. The ring symbolizes love, friendship , and loyalty. The ring is named for an Irish fishing village. The design of the Claddagh is constructed of two hands holding a heart with a crown on top of it. The hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty.

Various traditions give different meanings to the ring depending on how it is worn. As a wedding ring it is worn on the left hand with the heart pointing inward to the wrist. As an engagement ring it is on the right hand with the heart pointing inward toward the wrist. For friendship it is worn on the right hand turned outward.

The legend of the Claddagh begins when a fisherman Richard Joyce and other crew members were captured by pirates shortly before Joyce was to be married. He was sold into slavery in Algiers and made the property of a goldsmith who taught him the craft of goldsmith. Joyce became the master of the craft. With is beloved back in Claddagh on his mind he fashioned the first Claddagh ring. The hands were to represent friendship, the heart was love, and the crown represented loyalty and fidelity.

In 1698 King Georges III agreed to free all of his subjects. Richard Joyce was once again free. His slave master offered Joyce his daughter in marriage and half of his wealth if he would stay in Algiers. Joyce refused the offer and instead returned home to Claddagh where he found his love waiting for him. Neither of them had married. Upon discovering this, Joyce gave his love the ring and they were married shortly thereafter.

The ring was dubbed The Claddagh because of the village Joyce and his Bride were from. There were others who made the ring much later and added jewels and an intricate crown design. The basic hands holding a crowned heart has never changed. Joyce wanted something that would his love for his Beloved.

The Claddagh today is as popular as it ever was. The basic design of the ring has not changed but now there is more intricacies in the crown, gemstones or jewels can be used to fashion the heart, and the hands are simply hands. The ring can be made of silver, gold or basically any metal.

The design is the clasped hands of the 'fede' or faith rings. These rings date from Roman times and were popular in the Middle Ages. The ring is worn now by many to speak to their Irish heritage. The Claddagh tells the story of two lovers who are separated and yet their love and commitment withstood the passage of time. It's simple design and my heritage influenced my decision to purchase a Claddagh.

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Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of products which includes Wedding Ring and and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

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The History of Rings

During the Medieval period is when rings became popular. All classes of people wore rings from the poorest to the richest. Rings were typically made of iron, copper, silver, and gold. The material of the ring worn usually indicated the class of the wearer. It wasn't until around the 14th century that faceted jewels appeared in rings.

Some cultures have rings typically associated with them. Cultures such as Native Americans use silver and turquoise in their jewelry. Early Christians used the Greek symbol, the Icthus, which resembles a fish. One of the best known is the Irish Claddagh that also has an intriguing story attached to it. Richard Joyce was among the crew of a fishing boat from the village of Claddagh, Ireland that was captured, he was to have been married that very same week. During slavery Richard Joyce was put to the trade of Goldsmith-ing. Through the years of capture neither married. Richard Joyce created a ring for his love with a heart for love, a crown for loyalty, and two hands.

After Joyce escaped capture, he returned to the village of Claddagh and was overjoyed to see his love again and to know she had never married. She always knew he would return to her. He gave her the ring that has become known as the Claddagh ring. If the Claddagh is worn on the right hand with the crown inward (toward the wrist) the heart is not yet committed. If it is worn on the right hand with the crown turned outward the wearer is committed to someone. Finally if it is worn on the left hand with the crown outward it means "Let our love and friendship reign forever, never to be separated."

Rings are worn for a variety of reasons including adornment. There are rings given as a reward for a job well done such as the Super Bowl victory. They are given to represent commitment as in engagements and marriages. Women religious to signify their commitment to God also wear rings.

Rings can be made of almost any material now. They can be made from plastic, silver, gold, or copper, even wood. They can be made of ceramic materials as well. They can be of simple design or something as intricate as filigree.

They can be plain and simple or they can be adorned with jewels or gemstones, as in the case of birthstone rings. There is a birthstone for each month of the year and each has its own meaning. See the listing below.

January - Garnet
The gem of faith and truth; protects from poisons, thought to stop bleeding, cure sickness of the blood and infections.

February - Amethyst
Aids soldiers in battle, control evil thoughts, helps hunters to catch animals, and helps the owner be good in business.

March - Aquamarine
Sailors used aquamarine to gemstones to keep them safe and to prevent seasickness. It gives the wearer courage, foresight and courage

April - Diamond
Symbol of strength, courage, and invincibility. It is the ultimate gift of love. In 1477 Archduke Maxmillian of Austria gave Mary of Burgundy a diamond ring, thus starting the tradition of diamonds being given as engagement rings.

May - Emerald
Sharpened the wearer's eyesight and mind. Travelers used them as protection against the hazards of long trips. The green color is said to give the owner power to predict the future.

June - Pearl
Freshwater pearls give the power of love, money, protection, and luck. It is said they give provide wisdom through experience and protect children from harm.

July - Ruby
Its red color is related to sex, passion, strength, health, physical energy, courage, and protection. It is associated with blood, birth, and death

August - Peridot
It is thought to bring the wearer good luck, peace, and success. Its powers include health, protection, and sleep. It attracts love, calms anger, eases anxiety and negative emotions

September - Saphire
Its powers include spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. It is said to aid in the healing of rheumatism, colic and mental illness

October - Opal
It has healing powers that aid inner beauty, faithfulness, and eyesight. It also aids in remembering past lives.

November - Yellow Topaz (Sanskrit for fire)
In the Middle Ages was thought to heal both physical and mental illnesses and prevent death. Citrine - also for November - Aids the kidneys, heart, digestive tract liver, and muscles. It promotes creativity, personal clarity and eliminates self-destructive tendencies.

December - Blue Topaz (Sanskrit for fire)
In the Middle Ages was thought to heal both physical and mental illnesses and prevent death. Turquoise - also for December - It attracts money, success, and love. It gives protection, healing, courage, friendship, and luck. It eases the mind and mental tension.

There are school rings, engagement rings, wedding rings, friendship rings and mothers rings (usually the birthstones of her children set on a band. The price range of rings can be anywhere from fifty cents (usually found in the toy machines you see in stores) to thousands of dollars and more or even higher.

Author Bio
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of products which includes Wedding Ring and and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

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Bridal Jewelry Sets

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Finding bridal jewelry to complete your look for the big day can sometimes be a difficult task. You may find that in your searching you see a pair of earrings you like and a necklace, but there is no bracelet. Likewise, you may also find your bridal earrings and bridal necklace but together, the two pieces of jewelry do not match well. This is where the suggestion of pulling your jewelry accessory look together by purchasing an entire bridal jewelry set from one merchant.

When purchasing your entire bridal jewelry set from one merchant or bridal jewelry designer, you will have a more consistent and complete look. Your bridal jewelry will match together because it was designed to be together. What makes bridal jewelry sets even more special is after your big day, many times just wearing your bridal earrings or bridal necklace out for a nice dinner or dancing can bring back all of the special moments and memories that you made on the most important day of your life.

In addition, you will save time and energy by purchasing a bridal jewelry set all at once. There will be no more hunting for the perfect pair of bridal earrings that will match the bridal necklace or bridal bracelet that you have already purchased. Yet another "bonus" to purchasing one bridal jewelry set is you will pay one shipping fee versus paying two to three different shipping fees by ordering your bridal jewelry pieces from various bridal websites and bridal jewelers. Many times you will find that by purchasing your bridal jewelry in a set, you will receive a discounted rate.

To conclude, when purchasing your bridal jewelry sets, keep in mind the overall look and feel you want to have for your special day, this will be reflected in what you wear, as you are the bride and the center of attention for the day. By purchasing a bridal jewelry set, your look will be congruent and gorgeously pieced together. Sit back and take in your day and all of the wonderful compliments it will bring.

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Why and How To Buy Stainless Steel Rings?

With online stores and street vendors offering affordable and attractive metallic jewelry, it is tempting to stock up your vanity with new trinkets. However, cut price metallic jewelry is often made from metals that contain high amount of nickel which is known to be a common allergen. Wearing ornaments containing nickel can cause allergies such as redness, itching and rashness. Therefore, your best alternative is to buy wholesale stainless steel jewelry, because it is both skin friendly and budget friendly. Moreover it is a metal that doesn't rust and it is cheaper than real silver. Stainless steel earrings are lightweight and very trendy too.

Top 3 Reasons to Choose Stainless Steel Ornaments

Fashion accessories, especially silver, gold and platinum ornaments can cost you a lot. However, if you don't want to spend too much on jewelry, yet would like to have some unique pieces in your wardrobe, then your best choice is stainless steel jewelry. It is perfect if you prefer the shiny silvery color, but dislike the discoloration properties of silver. If you still have a doubt about purchasing trinkets of this material, here are three reasons that will dispel all your doubts. Stainless steel is a good quality material that is easy to care for unlike gold or silver that needs to be handled with care. Good quality stainless steel earrings very versatile, because they can be worn for any formal, informal and big occasions. Stainless steel is a naturally hard alloy that can handle any amount of wear and tear and hence is a durable material that outperforms even silver and gold.

Important Factors to Consider

Stainless steel has been used for a long time in manufacturing kitchen appliances and also in the making of watches. Today, jewelry manufacturers are using this metal because of its strength and durability. When purchasing stainless steel earrings online, there are few but very important aspects to consider. The percentage of steel and silver, authenticity of the ornaments and other components, warranty and return policy of the online store.

Tips for Selecting Rings

Although gold and platinum rings seem to dominate the jewelry market, many people are turning to stainless steel rings for its durability, uniqueness and for its trendy style. More over it is an inexpensive choice. There are so many varieties of this particular item, that you will be floored by the vast range, not knowing what to pick. Here are some tips to help you. Keep in mind the purpose of buying finger rings; do you want it for yourself or to gift your sweet heart. If you are buying masculine stainless steel rings, then choose that reflect your personal taste. If stones are not for you, pick up items engraved with your name or your loved one's name. If you are buying feminine rings, go for those inlaid with gem stones.

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The Designer Inspired Jewelries Are Best And Affordable Option For Women

You must be certainly knowing a fact that how the designer necklace, rings and bracelet charge a lot. A middle class woman could often think of having them considering the enormous amount of money involved in it. But you could certainly fulfill this desire in other way called the designer inspired jewelry alternative. And the fact with this colorful jewelry, you could get the same kind of pleasure and feeling, which you could get while wearing the real time designer jewelries. Hence until you see yourself telling someone that all these are the designer inspired jewelries no one could really make out the diversity.

The charm bracelets and moonstone rings that are seen in various ways like the J Crew inspired jewelry are usually made through high quality material, which simply means that you would see the same gleam unlike the real ones. Their gleam and quality will never be hampered and you could wear them for a longer run. You count on these for any party or event and embark with any relevant one that suits the topmost to the occasion. Considering the beauty, grace and honor you find in these jewelries, more and more women seems to have started relying over these. And the fact these are very much cost effective, which never adds the threat of being stolen. Even if you see being lost somewhere you barely see anything to lose which is certainly not the case with the real ones as they are very much costly.

A wide range of online stores seen at the web landscape, which take place to sell away that chunky chain statement necklace and the friendship bracelets have certainly made the designer inspired jewelry very much admired in the recent past. But when it comes to choosing any online store, make certain you need to choose the right one. Always wish an online store that is amongst the top and reputed one and simply popular for selling out the genuine stuff rather the new or the anonymous ones. Secondly, before you end up shopping the infinity jewelry over the online store don't forget to check an amount of substitution and return policies and the proper cost involved in the same. Several online stores are seen with hidden charge, which comes in the form of high shipping cost that has to be checked before you buy these things. Don't forget that you buy at the online store that has accurate customer friendly return and replacement policies rather the hostile ones.

jewelries could be found in a number of forms including the chunky chain necklaces, infinity bracelets, spike bracelet and infinity rings. Rate this Article

The Designer Inspired Jewelries Are Best And Affordable Option For WomenNot Rated Yet

Pinket Smith has published 2 articles. Article submitted on May 27, 2013. Word count: 416

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Tips on How to Buy Diamonds Online

Diamonds are the ultimate gifts, when it comes to gifting your mother or your wife. If you have a female friend whose wedding or birthday is around the corner, then there is nothing better than that glittering and sparkling stone. Not only is it a lady's best friend but every woman wants to own it It is a luxury product that is simple yet makes a big statement.

One can purchase diamonds both in-stores as well as online. Both the ways have their own merits and demerits. One should be educated about the diamonds and also have a good eye to spot the right diamond with respect to quality and price. -It is important to to keep certain factors in mind even while purchasing online.

How to buy diamonds online - Interesting tips!

The foremost requirement for purchasing a diamond online is to have good knowledge. One needs to educate oneself about the right website offering high quality and authentic. A quality website also offers good information and resource. They will provide a better insight to the potential customer and How to Buy Diamond on the website.A quality website will offer a range of other jewellery and products including women's and men's wedding bands, earrings, necklaces, pendants, and even Loose Diamonds Online.Try to buy the best with high cut grade. They are a little expensive but they always outshine the rest. You not only need a diamond that looks great, but the one that flashes right too!Every online retailer has its own specifications for the ideal proportions for the diamond. But One should compare a diamond only with the standard guidelines laid down by the diamond regulatory or authoritative bodies.One should always consult the diamond colour chart as well as diamond clarity chart. They can help in saving good money on your purchase. For example, D and F colour are almost the same to the naked eyes and are colourless; however, one can save big on F diamonds.One can also find great help online. There are many diamond advisors only who offer quality information and advice for the purchase. Whether you want to buy loose diamond jewellery online, you can always consult online advisors. They also have access to good data and information. They can easily match any two pieces of diamond and help you distinguish between the two.Always look for guarantee on the diamonds. Insurability is extremely important.

Therefore, one can save good money, select from a wide collection, at their convenience by buying diamonds on an online store.

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Tips on How to Buy Diamonds OnlineNot Rated Yet

Sarvesh Yadav has published 137 articles. Article submitted on June 26, 2013. Word count: 416

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Shell Pendants Brings A Beauty of Nature

Nowadays, pendants may be built in a range materials. Some of the pendants are constructed with plastic, semi gemstones and lots of synthesized materials. However, now, the shell pendants are accepted widely considering that the basic natural mateirals might be a welcomed step. The models may differ quite drastically they comprise of varieties of carved shells, many of which should receive paint or any other adornment or they are often simpler, retaining the initial form. The fabric may not be thick and in its natural form. They can still be processed and shaped to become a lots of other objects like little crucifixes, geometrical shapes, small whistle like forms, all of the may be manufactured making into beautiful pendants. Most breathtaking pendants will retain little or no considering that the original shape or build with the shell itself. The designer will simply make use of the material in the operation are shaped in order that only small areas of the pad are still visible.

The wings with the butterflies shaped pendants continue with the natural shaped shell have become beautiful. And they're preferred in many regions worldwide.

Thus, the pendants will simply make use of the best shells to have great results. The shell will sometimes carved to become a leaf that's adorned by way of a natural pearl. These will probably be also interesting combination includes a shell. An ensemble such as this one is extremely elegant and yes it enables the wearer to modify it to many outfits. Because shells are white and sometimes they've green and yellow inserts, their natural splendor is utilized to construct tear-like shell pendants that share both the elegance with the natural material as well as the haute couture of manufacturing. The shell pendants will often be colored for many times in the diversity of nuances. What's more, the direction they are chiseled and created increases their overall appeal, and, thus, permits them to easily fit into situations where natural shells can be prohibited.

Therefore, the visual impact of these trinkets is further enhanced and they are often carried virtually anywhere. Sometimes, handmade paintings is true on the surface of the shell which often renders them into miniature pieces of art as opposed to being colored. Simpler builds will be more adequate for children or non work related situations. Children, especially young girls love those pendants and sometimes they could start entire collections of these pendants acquiring different shapes and colors.

8seasons is amongst the world's largest wholesale beads and jewelry supplies providers. can be a professional distributor of wholesale shell pendants, it might provide a large number of shell pendants in factory prices. At you are going to enjoy your shopping experience and locate the things you would like.

Want to know more about information of wholesale shell pendants ? Visit wholesale beads - and you'll find a great quantity of jewelry supplies and craft supplies there.
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Bridesmaid Jewelry - a Wonderful Gift

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Eventually every bride gets to the point of planning when she must decide upon what jewelry her bridesmaids will wear for the big wedding day. In addition to that task, comes spending money on a budget. Staying within your allotted budget in some areas can be a hard and grueling task.

Remember the old catch phrase "kill to birds with one stone"? Well choosing your bridesmaid jewelry can help you save money, time, and sanity. Trends are taking us towards purchasing "thank you" gifts for our attendants and groomsmen. Why not give your bridesmaid the jewelry that they need to wear for the wedding day as their "thank you for being a special part of my day" gift? It really kills two birds with one stone, you don't need to think about another gift to give, that is already covered by your jewelry gift. The second great part of giving jewelry to your bridesmaids as their gift, is you can cut your budget here as well. If you are allotting money for their jewelry and a gift, you're covered in one shot. Time savers and money savers are great for brides on any budget.

With so many options on jewelry out there, you can personalize each piece of jewelry for your bridesmaids, making it not only a great gift, but a very special one as well. Purchase your bridesmaids jewelry that will not only look great with their bridesmaid's dresses, but will work for another fancy or special occasion. In many cases, the jewelry that your bridesmaids wear, can even be worn for "going out on the town" or for any occasion.

So brides, choose wisely and you will get more return for your budget money allotment and a really great and personal gift for the special ladies in your life.

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Why You Should Consider Custom Design Jewelry?

Custom design jewelry refers to the creation of bracelets, rings, and other wearable product uniquely tailored to the sketches and ideas of a customer. Jewelers work with buyers, who commission them to create singular works of art. The pieces reflect both the professional construction of in-store jewelry with the sentiments of something handmade. This is the perfect way for someone who loves fine jewelry to show off their unique flair while escaping the confines of common design.

Various kinds of customization are available, including selection of gemstones and metal types. Figuring out what metal and mounting types bring out different jewels, complementing coloring and shape, is part of the process. Birthstones are a great way to add a personal touch to your custom jewelry, whether it's for your personal collection or a gift, giving out a personal detail in a fresh and engaging way. Engravings on bracelets or rings remains especially popular as well, and can extend sentiments of love, favorite quotes, dates or other messages that would be close to the heart of the wearer. Lockets can be engraved in similar ways, etched with short messages or dates and containing a photograph. These are especially common as anniversary or Valentine's Day presents, and are traditionally romantic while still allowing for originality.

The experience doesn't have to be expensive and tends to depend on the complexity of your concepts or designs. You are also paying for the time and resources it takes the jeweler to put your product together. Working closely with the artisans, depending on what you're trying to do, will almost always lead to more affordable commitment. Seeing as their expertise partially lies in estimating the cost of material as well as time, an experienced and honest jeweler will be able to help offer cheaper solutions to expensive design problems that will not compromise the concept of the piece.

Personalized jewelry can be an exciting way to create personalized gifts. Jewelry shopping for someone can be a very involved experience, taking time, energy and thought in order to make a decision. However, customizing a piece for someone takes all of those factors and expands upon them. The effort is very visible in the one-of-a-kind product. This is a way to show someone that you invested time and thought in telling them that you care. It becomes a tangible, wearable reminder of your place in someone's life.

When creating jewelry as a gift, you should understand the balance between what the person you're buying for likes in their jewelry, the way that you feel about them and how affects the message you want to send, and what looks flattering on them. This could mean adjusting the tightness or length of a necklace for a certain look, or turning a bracelet design into a stylish anklet.

Custom design jewelry is the kind of fashion statement that will always be in style, bringing us back to what jewelry and expression is really about - showing off who you are and celebrating in visual uniqueness who that person is.

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How to Choose Jewelry That Looks Good on You?

'Jewelry' the word which makes women crazy! It's not just a piece of any accessory it has a place more than that!! It makes us look more beautiful and elegant. It is not just that it can be a form of love, promise or remembrance which you hold for your life time remembering the person. It is said that jewelry emphasis the beauty of an individual. Whatever the occasion may be when you wear it you will look unique and that will make you feel promising and elegant.

There are many types; each stage of mankind's growth has seen different types of jewels. Starting from the ancient times till the current 21'st century mankind has evolved with different types of Jewels. A Bijou is not just any piece of accessory it will make you feel gifted and you can feel proud of it before others. When you want to look elegant in front of others you should be careful enough for choosing good piece of jewel.

Each occasion has different types of jewels; you should choose your jewelry according to the occasion or you will be the one who will miss out!! In the current trend, teenagers are very keen on choosing their Jewelry because that will make that look stylish!! Fashion has become a part of our life; we should be ready to change ourselves according to the trends!! In olden days it was said that jewelry is only for women; but now the trend has changed men too are wearing different kinds of jewelry!! When we consider the world of fashion, jewelry plays a major part in it!!

Jewelry can be made of any metals like Gold, Silver, Platinum, Emerald, Steel and more!! It does not stop just with that there are even plastic, beads and wooden Jewelry!! Each day different kinds of jewelry are made depending on the current trends!! In this modern world, there are many occasions which we have to be there in!! We should make our perfect choice of jewel depending on the occasion; that will make ourselves feel gifted!!

Women specially have many occasions which will come once in their life time; jewelry places an equal part of it!! 'Wedding' - the occasion in which two different hearts join their hands to become on soul!! It is the occasion of love and remembrance!! Wedding has a unique type of jewel collection that every girl would ever dream off!! It is the only day when you can look as you want to be!! If you choose the perfect Bijoux Fantaisie that day that will make you feel happy for life-long!!

The ring is the main ornament which you will choose when it's your wedding!! You will have to choose two types of ring one for your engagement and the other for your wedding which make you feel that the occasion fulfilled!!It is the remembrance for your whole life!! As said in this saying "Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles"; when you choose elegant Jewelry that will make you feel admirable!!

Achetez des Bijoux Fantaisie , des bijoux pour enfants, adolescents comme collier, bracelets, boucles d'oreilles et bagues avec un design moderne a un prix pas cher avec, la meilleure boutique en ligne de France.
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Protect Your Memories with Jewelry Insurance Services

It has been a wild couple of years lately when it comes to freak acts of nature. Between the super storm Sandy that devastated the Northeast to the tornadoes that literally wiped out towns in Oklahoma to the brush fires that decimated hundreds of miles in Colorado, it seems like there is no telling what might happen next. It makes you realize that you need to find a way to protect yourself and your assets, because you just never know what is around the corner. Trust me, I speak from first-hand experience. I moved to Key West in 2005, the same year the four named hurricanes passed close enough by us to have devastating effects on our tiny island. Wilma, the last storm of that year, was the worst. The storm surge that it produced left almost eighty percent of the island underwater. Some people lost everything, even things that they never thought they might, like some of their fine jewelry. That is why it is imperative that when you are buying any piece of affordable jewelry, you look into jewelry insurance services.

Part of the experience I got from living down here through those storms is that tradition insurance companies will try to do whatever they can to pay you as little as possible. They may all run commercials showing how quickly they respond to some natural disaster, but the truth is their concern in protecting the investments of their shareholders and not their policy holders. I had many friends who thought they had most of the belongings protected only to hear many variations of the word "no". In some cases the policies didn't pay out because the damage was caused by flood. Sometimes the claim was denied because there wasn't absolute proof of what was covered. (Granted it was hard to have that proof when you lost all your paperwork in the same flood that took everything else.) Finally in a lot of cases the payment that they did get reflected the value of the lost items as they were now, and not what they would cost to replace them. Jewelry insurance services do not work like that.

First of all, the professional jewelers who offer these services know that you are their biggest priority. They are not concerned about making sure that some shareholder gets a dividend every quarter. What they are concerned about is keeping their relationship with you intact. You have trusted them to provide you that special piece of fine jewelry, whether it was an engagement ring or a birthday necklace, and they want to prove that they deserve that trust. Because you bought the jewelry and the jewelry insurance services from them, you have the safety of knowing that they have the same paperwork that you have, to prove exactly what it is that you had lost (or stolen and damaged.) The extra advantage of that paperwork is that they can use it to estimate the exact value of that piece of affordable jewelry now, and not when you bought it. This will enable you to replace it precisely. When you look at all of those factors, choosing from a selection of jewelry insurance services is the right thing to do.

Julia Lockhart is a writer with a penchant for wedding bands. She prides herself in providing readers with the knowledge of Jewelry Insurance Services that helps to make smart and informed purchases when it comes to buying Jewelry.
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Jewelry Insurance Services - Protecting Your Investment

Jewelry insurance services are a fantastic way to protect your investments. You may not have thought about taking out a policy on the items in your jewelry box. However, they will certainly be the first items stolen during a break in. Consider how much time went into picking out the perfect engagement ring, wedding and anniversary bands. Cost aside, the expense in time is worth insuring on it's own! Whether, your jewelry pieces end up being lost, stolen, or damaged having an insurance policy will take the edge off of your loss.

Fine jewelry is an item that is unlike many others that you have in your home. It's a very personal investment, most likely filled with a great deal of sentiment. However, many consumers forget that what lies in their personal safe, jewelry box or on their finger is actually an investment that can gain value over the years. When you buy a shimmering big ticket item you should inquire with your jeweler about a policy. If you bought a certified diamond, then insuring your piece will be far easier than you might have thought. Buying certified really does help, as the paperwork already has a detailed description or evaluation of your diamond. Qualified jewelers should be there for you every step of the way and for the life of the piece that you have meticulously selected. From the sale of it to cleaning, maintenance and repairs, they should be present throughout the years.

To have your shimmering investments protected you must have them appraised. This appraisal will provide the company underwriting your policy with all the pertinent details and the current value of your items. Gold and diamond prices have been on the rise in recent years, which makes the ring you might have purchased a few years ago, more valuable in today's current market. This will make a replacement ring more expensive, should yours be lost, stolen or damaged. Many fine jewelers advise that you have your collection appraised and the policy adjusted every couple years. This will track the value of your purchase as it grows over time. After all, wouldn't it be insult to injury to lose a ring and then have to buy a smaller one to replace it because the market price hadn't been evaluated in several years? All major investments from your home to your car, to your health require maintenance from time to time and policies to protect them.

During the appraisal of your collection, all elements of each piece you will be insuring will be examine. This means that your diamonds and gemstones will have documentation as well as the metals that have been used in their settings. Each aspect will not only be examined but they will be meticulously weighed. In addition, each of these elements will be calculated to the current market value. Your preferred full service jeweler will be able to advise you on the jewelry insurance services that are available to you. If you purchased your jewelry online, then there are many listings for such services that have been evaluated by the Better Business Bureau. Protecting your investments is a part of life. Your jewelry shouldn't be any different as it celebrates the most irreplaceable moments in your life.

Jash Adams is a freelance writer specializing in a variety of consumer education topics, including the informed selection of buying jewelry, Jewelry insurance services and jewelry insurance in Greensboro NC.
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Men - How to Buy Diamond Jewelry

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College Class Rings

Since the times when rings were created, people have worn them for a great variety of reasons; they have been symbols of different events, things and feelings. The college class ring stands for one's unique accomplishment during university years and embodies a lifelong connection between a person, their classmates and university.

College rings have a long and rich tradition. They first appeared 150 years ago and were worn by the cadets of the U.S. Military Academy. These first college rings had a very strange design: a book with a sword driven through it, showing the class' contempt (this emblem was first used by Voltaire to express his hostility to the Bible). Later these rings were replaced by gold signet ones with the years of graduation and school insignia engraved. During the World War II college rings came into fashion all over the country and were worn by trendies from different American colleges. There also appeared a custom among students, who went out together, to exchange their rings (he put it on a finger, while she wore it around a neck). After the War most American universities picked up this tradition, what reinforced it and made it an American cultural mainstay.

Nowadays, being all the rage, college class rings are available in a great variety of designs and styles, s o you are sure to find a ring to your liking. You may choose an intricate and elaborate an elegant and handcrafted, or even an avant-garde ring either with a small, delicate stone or with a huge, shimmering gem . Besides, you may select from precious and non-precious metals. The most common of them are platinum, yellow or white gold, silver or lustrium. As regards metal finish some graduatesfavor Antique Finish (it shows the contrast between the fine detail of your ring and a dark background); others prefer Natural Finish (it accentuates the glint of your gold ring).

On the whole, college rings are divided into traditional, signet and fashion rings. Though regardless of the style, they all are usually studded with artificial or g enuine stones, and those can be ofa Facet or Smooth cut.

Depending on the gem and the cut you've chosen, there are various stone effects available. Encrusting rings are those with a symbol or a personal letter inscribed withgold, which is deeply embedded into your stone. It looks better on dark and only smooth gems. Encrusting can't be used with other effects such as Sundance or Astralight. Astralightrings give the illusion of a rainbow beneath the stone, while Sundance ringsgive the illusion of rays. The both latter effects can be found both on smooth and faceted gems.

You may also create a unique college class ring by engraving your personal information into the inside of it. The most common inscriptions are graduation year, degree, initials or full name. There are also Curriculum Panels available, which includes symbols of your curriculum or major.
There is a great variety of college class ring styles and designs on the market. You will definitely pick out a ring that will be an extension of who you are; a ring, that will express your individuality and reflect your personal features, and at the same time embodies the traditions and symbols of your university, making your experience last forever.

Author Bio
This article submitted by Mike Daniels, the jewelry industry specialist -

Article Source: - Free Website Content

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Silver Bangle Bracelets Are Invariably Very Popular

If we discussing traditional bracelets, two most favored designs will likely arrive at your mind immediately, the first is the classic tennis bracelet and also the other could be the timeless bangle bracelet. The latter is engineered to be meant to either slip off and on the wrist without closure, or might be styled to close and open with the help of a slide insert clasp. Despite of which option you ultimately choose, silver bangle bracelets will always be on the go.

We still don't know the reasons why more and more people love silver bangle bracelets and they are never walk out style. Their timeless beauty appeals a lot of women who wish to understand that the jewellery they purchase and wear today it's still in style a few months, time from now.

Bangles are more inclined to certainly be a fashion statement when compared to a temporary craze. The structured form of a bangle is really that it wraps around the wrist to produce an uninterrupted line, that is another excuse why this classic is a signature piece for several women. Many have also been known to remark that they can like to hear the 'clanging' of an bangle bracelet, either next to other bangles or during everyday wear.

Talking about of everyday wear, silver bangle bracelets have become popular since their simplicity. The fundamental design of all bangles is identical. They normally are be meant to embrace the wrist offering the wearer one continual distinctive line of uninterrupted beauty. Besides a diamond ring or a wirst watch, the bracelets is most likely the only part of jewelry that you can actually see in a time while not having to try looking in an image. Thus, beauties will relish the accessory that is certainly both visually pleasing and versalite.

You can find different varieties of bangle bracelets crafted in genuine 925 sterling silver. In case you embeded the cz into a silver setting, the bracelet may be looked more expensive before. Cubic zirconia is a manmade stone. It's designed to resemble an ideal diamond. Combine strikes together with the classic bangle design along with one breathtaking bracelet.

In the end, silver bangle bracelets will always be fashionable. Whether you bought the bracelet recently, recently or last week, once you are just start to build your jewelry wardrobe. You'll feel positive about realizing that your investment is a wise one. However, many shoppers will avoid certain clothes because they already know these are temporary.

Select designs, however, such as the bangle, are already popular for decades. They've got more than proven their sexual stamina and, with designers constantly coming up with new methods to add a modern twist for this very classic style, there is definitely a vast selection around the corner to its popularity. The same as the design itself, the romance of bangle bracelets continues.

8seasons is one of the world's largest wholesale beads and jewelry supplies providers. is a professional distributor of wholesale bangle bracelets, it may provide a large number of bangle bracelets in factory prices. At you may enjoy your shopping experience and find the things you want. is a professional distributor of wholesale bangle bracelets , it can provide thousands of ring settings in factory prices. At you will enjoy your shopping experience and find the items you want.
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Unknown Facts About Silver Jewellery

Metals have always fascinated man and Silver is one among these precious and luxurious metals. Though Gold is considered as the most precious metal, these days, people are gradually shifting to the this white metal. Jewellery has also attained an equal place in the industry of jewellery and there are many varieties of silver ornaments that are being picked by people across the globe. The most interesting part about jewellery made from this is that it is available at better rates compared to the other metals and hence, people from all classes can afford to buy it.

With its bright metallic feel and the shiny quality, This widely been used in today's ornaments like silver chains, silver bracelets, silver earrings, silver brooches, rings etc. Simple elegant designs are found in the daily wear options and there are great collections in this sector too. Apart from the simple ones, designer jeweller is what is getting popular these days. With the soaring prices of Gold, common man has changed his preference of metal to silver, which fits well into his budget, at the same time, looks beautiful too.

With the increase in demand for silver, designers have started to concentrate more on designing silver ornaments for the market needs and also, there are exclusive showrooms opened. You get a great collection in the jewellery and in the current period, Its is being opted as gift options too. Apart from jewellery, there are many other objects made from silver that could be used as gift items and present them on special days and occasions to your loved ones.

Since This is not as expensive as gold, people have started opting to choose this as their wedding or engagement rings and these are very beautiful to look at and also could be used daily, without getting faded. There are also handmade earring where in you could design according to your tastes and get something that is totally different and unique and all to yourself. These handmade crafted silver jewelleries are more expensive than machine made as these are purely crafted by skill workers and machines are not used in any matter.

The shiny metal has captivated hearts of millions and is slowly taking over the jewellery markets in all its glory. Since this metal is comparatively cheaper than gold, people have started investing in white jewellery, for their future as it is affordable and hold value with period of time. This has become the common man's most used metal for jewellery, yielding some of the best designs and designers to him.

Sophie Lees is a well known writer and has established herself as a good writer among all. She has written many articles for Silver Jewellery design , Jewellery trends and fashion jewellery.
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Top Quality and Hypoallergenic Jewelry Items from The House of Verragio!

The idea of buying a jewelry item is a very interesting concept for any women. They love to wear different jewelry items and flaunt it to their near and dear ones. This is more so when they have purchased the item from a reputed jewelry store. Women by nature like to get dressed up on any occasion. Even when they are attending office they prefer to have a neat and clean approach to their appearance. And this aspect of women is best understood by Verragio jewelry house. Their designers have a finger on the pulse of their clients and seem to understand woman's sense and sensibilities in a way that no other jewelry house does. One look at their creations and you will realize that their designers are very skilled with an unmatched potential of craftsmanship.

Their craftsmanship and skills are evident in their creations of different jewelry items. Whether one is planning to purchase a ring or an earring or necklace from Verragio, they can be rest assured that their collections are unmatched, superior quality with excellent cuts, designs and unique patterns. Their in house jewelry designers are more than willing to help you out in your search for the perfect jewelry item. If required they can also guide and assist you so that no matter whatever you buy it matches your persona and does justice to your appearance.

The crescent silhouette is a hallmarked design of Verragio Jewelers. Barry Verragio created this design in the wedding ring that he gifted his wife on their wedding day. The ring was highly praised at the wedding ceremony. In fact many people inquired about it as well. This gave Barry an idea and he patented the design and used it in his subsequent collections. In the crescent silhouette the diamond is set in such a manner that it is sitting on top of the ring. This setting ensures that enough light passes through the diamond and it shine brilliantly reflecting its inner beauty and brilliance in a much better way. A few weeks with in its launch, this design became internationally popular and it is still sought after by couples across the globe.

One can also purchase earrings, bracelets and even necklaces from them. Just like their rings, even these jewelry items are handcrafted. As a result all their creations are designer made. Their jewelry items enjoy international warranty. As such one can get the rings or necklaces resized from any of their authorized stores across the globe. This facility is offered by Verragio Jewelers so that their products are easily available to their patrons across the globe. As far as their different collections is concerned one can get jewelry pieces made out of different metals like white gold, yellow gold, platinum, and palladium and so on. Each of the metals used are of top quality and are hypoallergenic in nature so that one does not experience any kind of rashes or infections after wearing them.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and purchase any jewelry item that catches your fancy.

Visit the website: and go through their collections of jewelry pieces. One will hardly come across another jewelry house that has such a huge and varied collection as Verragio .
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Polymer Clay Cabochons & Necklaces

Okey, so I've been taking some interests to those fabulous polymer clay cabochons with flower motives that I've been seen going around the web, and being used in different types of jewelry and accessories.
I've been curious on how to make my own, and when I did some research about them I've noticed that they're either called filigree or "embroidery". I would guess that they're called embroidery cause you pretty much use a basic needle tool that you work with clay to "attach" a small piece of clay into the clay base you want to attach them on...

So yes, I finally took some time and decided on making my own. As I did I also thought I would use the Premo Poly Clay instead of the FIMO, which I've always have been using so far. Darn! I love Premo, and I wish I had a lot more. I found the Premo in Perles & Co.'s webshop, as the reason to why I have a load of FIMO is cause that is the most common brand they carry in hobby stores over here.

I'm sharing a few pictures of what I've made in polymer clay way...

I've also used two of the ones I created so far. They ended up as pretty simple necklaces. I didn't want to make something too complicated, as I know that too much can distract from another pieces; in this case I wanted to put focus on the polymer clay cabs so I kept it pretty simple design wise.

Currently I'm also working on a little different project where I also ended up using one of the yellow/green gradient flower cabs I made and posted in this blog-post. But I'm not gonna post any preview piccies of it, so I'll just wait until it's completed :)
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Women Can Find Designer Inspired Jewelries as The Best Substitute to Expensive Jewelries

The designer jewelries are something that every woman on earth would certainly like to own. After all it helps in flaunting her beauty among the women in her circle. She simply loves to get accolades for the costly rings and earrings. But as it happens to be expensive, hence not every woman is seen having the same. These could be found in colorful jewelry coming out in dissimilar kinds of shapes and sizes. You can very well manage to pay for this fine looking arrow necklaces and cross bracelets. Unless people come to recognize that these are non-natural ones from you, they will never be able to discriminate between the two.

And as far as the J. Crew inspired jewelry sets are concerned, you could very well get to see a number of bracelets, rings and necklaces for woman of all the age groups. In a long list of these jewelries, in this field that includes home of Harlow necklace, pastel and rhinestone necklace, pastel necklace and chunky chain statement necklace. These could be sported while you catch special parties and social gatherings. All these people are seen having the real fun and potential of attracting people, which can help in making you as the center of attraction. So unlike the designer Jewelry, the inspired jewelries too could give away the same impact.

You could find a unique beauty and grace and thus become a standalone person in the rush of many people present in the party. During the different occasions too, you could rely over these stud earrings or even silver earrings. If you are able to find out a good material use for your moonstone rings or the infinity ring, no one on earth could be able to stop you to rock on the floor. You also have the alternative of choosing the infinity bracelets and moonstone rings in accordance to the dress color, style and design. This will end up making effects more incredible, interesting and glittering.

Hence where can you buy the stretch spike bracelets or the friendship bracelets? This is an important question to be addressed. Looking at the modern day consumers, you could find a amount of lucrative options over the web in the form of online stores. All you are supposed to do is to just find out a good online store, which are well established ones for admired for selling out high quality chunky chain statement necklaces. Once you find it, you are all set to buy any jewelry as per your own whims and fancies.

It's the opportunity for anyone to go online and purchase the beautiful dainty jewelry of their choice easily, without having to go shopping.
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Tips for buying the best solitaire rings to your liking

While diamond was the power to attract the attention of women. Therefore, they were used as a symbol of love between a man and a woman. Everyone wants to buy solitaire rings add glamour and brightness of eternal love. It is imperative that you choose your ring carefully so that ideal symbolize the love between the couple.

The first factor to consider is diamond shape. Remember that round diamonds are perfect for brides because of the attractiveness of luminosity. Heart shaped solitaire rings are perfect for both men and women. Mother of the bride fashion savvy, one of the best things to do is to choose Emerald cut diamonds. If your spouse prefers the shape, select the princess cut.

Because diamonds are expensive, most couples can't afford the larger pieces. However, there are pieces in the average small size it can appear larger when you put a ring Solitaire. The key is to determine where to buy and the Solitaire setting. When setting the little diamond, is the highlight.

The two sides become band settings with the diamond to be highlighted. You can also choose settings for plugs to highlight the diamonds. One of the most effective ways to create your custom design is to buy diamonds online free and get the ring designed according to your specifications.

There are 4 Cs for each diamond-cut, color, clarity, carat. Add to that your budget and you have all the main causes. 5 to consider when choosing the perfect diamond. If you cannot afford the expensive, choose a shallow cut. However, colorless stone would be more expensive. If you are on a low budget, the carat diamonds 1 or less is a perfect choice. When considering to create wedding rings for men, to select multiple low-carat diamond and precious jewelry.

When planning where to buy Solitaire, avoid rushing the jeweller to buy a ring. Shop around online to find the perfect band for putting your favorite diamond pieces. If you want to glitter stones on the ring, to choose a band doesn't sparkle. White metal is one of the best options for the band.

And most importantly, to compare the prices offered by different stores when choosing loose diamonds online. Online stores always offer and prices to attract the attention of potential customers. Therefore, you will always have something to gain by searching the Internet. After considering all the above points, the code to buy solitaire rings that will be perfect for you.

Addimon is an online diamond jewelry store allows you to know diamonds free online, how to buy diamonds. It also announces the rings to buy diamond rings solitaire, cost of ring designs for women at discount prices.
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Eternity Bands A Beautiful Gift For Someone Special

Eternity rings are special metal bands that conventionally comprise of stones or diamonds all around the ring in covering its entire circumference. The beauty of this ring is that all the stones or diamonds present in this ring have the same shape and size giving a uniform appearance to the ring. The settings of these diamonds are perfectly well adding grace and elegance into it. These are usually found for women and that is why some people better know them by the name "Women's Rings". Husbands, boyfriends and brothers give this beautiful eternity band to someone special. This special person holds a great place in their life and these bands are the best way to tell such them their importance. It is an absolute symbol of never-ending love between the two.

There is nothing wrong in it if someone considers them a tangible pictogram of the promise to love forever. There are different variety of rings exist in the market that differ in styles, type of stone used, stone setting and type of base used for the stone arrangement.

When it comes to styling there are two arrangements exist in these rings:

Full Styles

This is the most popular style which is commonly seen in the eternity bands in which stones are present all around the ring. The settings may vary from one pattern to other like it can be seen as floating over the rings. The size of the stone selected for this purpose is usually small. The reason is that larger stones make wearer feel uncomfortable, but the number of the stones may vary from 14 to more.

Half Styles

This is quite rarely seen as this type of styling suits few rings. Here, diamonds or stones cover half portion of the ring. Some people feel uncomfortable in wearing full style eternity rings. The stones in half styles face the front only making it easy for the wearer to wear it without any hassle.

Selection of the Stone

Most of the times, people prefer diamonds in these eternity bands, but those who cannot afford diamonds prefer stones like ruby, sapphire and emeralds. These are the most popular choices among stones. There are very few rings in which designers make a perfect and unique combinations of diamonds and colored stones. Such an arrangement looks very pretty and easily wins the heart of every individual. One of the most imperative things in these rings is the shape of the stone. Round shape is quite common and we generally see arrangement of round stones and diamonds. It obviously looks well, but heart, square and triangle shaped stones look really awesome and add grace to these bands.

Where to where this special ring?

Although this is a special ring which should be worn only in the engagement finger, but not every women prefer doing this. It is their personal choice where they would love to wear this ring. Some of the women think that place does not matter much as what matters are the emotions and feelings with which someone gift this special ring to you.

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Bid Adieu To All The Tensions With A Sapphire Gemstone

Among all the blue gemstones on earth, Sapphire is the most precious one. The colour, durability and the lustre of the stone adds to the appeal of the stone. It is available in various colours. Sapphires belong to the corundum group. The gemstone gets its sparkling and radiating colour due to the presence of certain minerals like iron and chrome. They are mainly found in countries like Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, US, Tanzania and Madagascar. The gemstone derives its name from the Latin word 'sapphirus', Greek word 'sappheiros' and the Sanskrit word 'saniprayam' which means Blue Stone. It is also considered as the second hardest crystal of the earth.

This stone is mostly used in jewellery. The blue colour sapphire is mostly used in jewellery. Recently, pink, orange and yellow colour sapphires have also become quite popular. On the other hand, green and light blue sapphires are not used much. You can see these gemstones located mostly in the centre piece of rings and pendants. When a sapphire is used with diamond it gives the person who is wearing it a unique look. A Blue Sapphire is associated with sympathy, friendship and feelings that prove their value in the long term and this is one of the most important reasons why in many countries women prefer a sapphire ring over other in an engagement ceremony. The stone also symbolizes loyalty.

Sapphire Gemstones are believed to drive away mental tensions and unwanted thoughts. It helps an individual to focus on a particular thing thereby calming the mind. A Blue Sapphire is thought to bring spiritual powers inside a person. For speedy resolution of legal matters or for matters related to justice Sapphires are considered to be immensely effective and useful. The gemstone also finds its use for industrial purposes. It is used as a basic component in the manufacturing of large number of instruments such as crystals of the watch and its bearings, high durability windows, scientific instruments and many more.

As far as the prices of the sapphire gemstones are concerned, the size, transparency and colour are not the only factors that determine the colour of the gemstone; the place of the gemstone's origin also plays a very important factor in determining the price. Burmese sapphires are the most expensive ones; it is then followed by the sapphires from Ceylon. Sapphires are heated at a certain temperature in order to increase their clarity. However, a sapphire in its pure form which has not been heated is more valuable. They should always be purchased from a reputed dealer. Cleaning a sapphire gemstone with warm water, detergent and soft brush can increase the durability of the gemstone.

Before coming to the market, the raw crystals of Sapphire are first of all taken to the cutting centres. Here, the skilled workers cut the raw sapphire with much expertise and precision to give them the desired look. When put in a day light, the Sapphires exhibit brightening colours. Even in poor or artificial light the blue colour is reflected. A Blue Sapphire can be identified by many ways. You can use any of the below mentioned tips before purchasing the sapphire.

The gemstone won't have any scratches.If it looks dull then can bring a bad impact on the health of the person who is wearing it.If the colour of the Blue sapphire is milky or is asymmetrical in size then it can disturb the mental peace of a person.Rate this Article

Bid Adieu To All The Tensions With A Sapphire GemstoneNot Rated Yet

Steve Johnsons Smith has published 17 articles. Article submitted on August 12, 2013. Word count: 570

and has a MBA degree, he has been involved in purchasing the Boston Red Sox (MLB baseball) business team, he is very familiar with all the routine business operations, he also sports sector is generally considered "operational genius", proficient both baseball and basketball fields.

Written by: Sheng Nv

If you're buying men's dress shirts for the first time, it's best to start with non-iron and it's also a good idea to begin with the basic looks. Slim-fit is typically the best choice, but you may want to consider all the options with your body type in mind. Tailoring is also an option.

Written by: Jessica Lane

When it comes to finding the right fashion attire or accessory, it may be a tedium process if one is clueless from where to start. With numerous brands coming into the picture with their perpetual range of collections which makes on spoilt for choices.

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Even though you might be getting bored of your clothes, you shouldn't be so quick to look for new ones all the time - you can get a lot more out of your current ones if you use some accessories on them, like a blazer badge in the right spot!

Written by: Mark Richard Taylor

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Choosing A Right Jewelry Wholesale Supplier For Online Shopping

Jewelry can easily attract every woman because they are so beautiful and charming, and some kinds of jewelry is a obvious symbol of noble and luxury, so almost women consider them as their precious fashion accessories. Most gentlemen like to buy a lovely piece of rings or necklace as a great gift for their beloved ladies because they think there is nothing else that can make their beloved ladies happy and smile. The problem is that people cannot touch jewelry before paying for it, so they cannot make sure whether the piece they plan to buy is of high quality and worth the value they pay for. Meanwhile, they cannot make sure whether they are a trustworthy store or not, so you should choose the right jewelry supplier, especially when you want to do wholesale business online you should choose a right jewelry wholesale supplier, otherwise you may lose a lot of money.

Buying jewelry from online wholesale supplier will be a good idea. You can feel free from roaming from one online store to another one, and you do not need to spend much time in changing from one store to another one. Meanwhile, you do not need to prepare a set of formal and decent outfit for shopping at physical stores, because you just need sit in front of your computer and switch on your computer, then connect the internet and do shopping for jewelry. So, you can have enough time and places for you to find a right jewelry wholesale supplier online. You can do some search at your home in the evening, or in your office at daytime, so you do not need to worry about the time and place problems. However, it is not easy to find a reliable one. It is up to you to decide what online suppliers you can do business with to get better jewelry. No matter whether you just want to buy one piece of jewelry or place a wholesale order, you should polish your eyes to make sure that the online supplier has a good reputation in the jewelry market.

You should only buy jewelry from those suppliers who can offer license of producing or selling jewelry. Make sure that all the jewelries you plan to buy are hallmarked, and as far as genuine diamond or pearl you must make sure there are complete papers that can prove that they are real. Some suppliers claim that their diamonds or pearls are real, but when you get them you may find they are fake pieces. In this case you may lose a lot of money because there is a great price difference between authentic pieces and fake pieces. We have to pay much money for getting pieces, especially when we need to make a wholesale order, so it is very important for us to check every details of product and the supplier. The supplier should be good, have a wide range of selection to jewelry wholesale, and the consumers who bought their products before should leave good reviews to express their satisfaction. All these things can help you get a good supplier and avoid being cheated online.

Last but not at least, choosing jewelry wholesale supplier with free shipping worldwide is very important. You can save much money because sometimes the shipping cost is very high.

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Traditional Bands Complete The Theme of Your Wedding

Choosing the music for your reception is a pretty big decision that is part of the whole wedding process. Fact is that you will probably have to make somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred decisions before you finally go away on your honeymoon. Everything from what kind of dress are you going to wear and who should be seated with who to where do we want to hold the ceremony and, yes, what kind of atmosphere are we looking for at the reception will all have to be decided.

Making that last choice can be a lot easier than you think, if you just take the time to think about how everything is connected. If you establish a theme to your wedding (and I'm not necessarily talking about a 1920's jazz-age theme or a circus theme, though both of those sound pretty fun) this will help take you through the whole decision making process that much easier. If you feel like doing something contemporary, let that reflect in the food that you serve and the dress that you wear. One the other hand, if you are looking for something more classic, then you can opt for a traditional venue, a traditional dress and traditional bands.

I'm not just talking about music, either. As impermanent as the ceremony and the reception are going to be (all that work for an event that is going to be over in eight or so hours) there are parts of it that will stay with you forever. Certainly, you will have the memories and when those start to fade you will have a photo album and probably a video that will help remind you. More tangible than that will be the gifts that you have received.

Every time you use one of them it will bring that connection back a little, maybe even triggering a recollection at that particular gifters attempt at dancing. You are not going to use every gift every day, though. What you are going to do every day is see the rings that you exchanged. That little circle is a permanent reminder of everything you were feeling on that special day. Make sure that you get the right rings for the right memories. A visit to a local professional jeweler's will let you see how many affordable styles of fine jewelry are available for you to choose from, including the traditional bands that will perfectly complement the theme of your wedding.

Author Bio---- Julia Lockhart is a writer with a penchant for wedding bands. She prides herself in providing readers with the knowledge they need to make smart and informed purchases when it comes to buying Traditional Style Engagement Rings . Rate this Article

Traditional Bands Complete The Theme of Your WeddingNot Rated Yet

Julia Lockhart has published 9 articles. Article submitted on August 13, 2013. Word count: 409

Realizing the right way to wear wedding rings can let you take pleasure in the romantic sign on your finger with no any etiquette bloopers. A wedding ring may seem like an easy piece of jewelry, although how you wear it is packed with symbolism.

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Chosing wedding shoes is not as simple as you thought it would be. To find a perfect pair of wedding shoes, you should take many shings into consideration such as the weather, your gown style, the theme of your wedding,etc.Here are some tips as how to choose wedding shoes that fit your style.

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Marquise engagement rings are very popular for bridal sets because this ring is simple yet sophisticated. You should know what makes this particular diamond shape special and how it affects the other characteristics of the gem is crucial for couples choosing a marquise stone.

Written by: Dieny Ferbianty

One of the most important parts of man and woman's life is choosing the engagement rings that will be cherished forever. Making preparations and saving up for these rings is one of the biggest challenges to a future couple to make their exciting wedding day sparkle to life.

Written by: Regina Christy

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Understanding the Quality of Emeralds You are Buying

Whenever you are buying jewelries or loose emeralds online, quality should always be the primary thing that you must have in mind. This is because the quality of the item that you will get dictates the price or cost that you need to pay for. Aside from that, this is also your basis in determining its relative value compared to other gems. In this light, there are various ways on how we can judge the quality of emerald jewelries. Two (2) of the most common classifications are the AA versus AAA standards and the natural versus lab-created gemstones, aside from grading certifications.

AA versus AAA Quality Standards

The AA and AAA quality standards are, in fact, just among many ways to grade gems like loose emeralds. Firstly, AA refers to the quality of the gems with negligible inclusions, which are visible to the bare eyes. It also has no white spots and other flaws on the table. Hence, what this means is that the table of the gem is generally high qualiy, but there could be some tiny cavities on its crown. The AAA, in contrary, refers to a higher quality since it is characterized as flawless. Among the laboratories that do the grading is the European Gemological Laboratory (EGL).

Naturally-available Versus Lab-created Gemstones

Another way to describe the quality of loose emeralds online is to determine whether it is naturally-available or a lab-created gemstone. Generally, a naturally-available gemstone is characterized as something raw and exotic. Most of these are also difficult to retrieve or mine. Hence, they tend to be more expensive than the lab-created ones. Some of them could have some flaws, but could be enhanced to a perfect grade. The lab-created gemstones, in contrary, are those that are perfectly polished. Since they can be easily done through laboratories, they are more affordable than the other one.

Other Grading System of Various Laboratories

Moreover, aside from the first two (2) quality systems mentioned above, there are also various organizations that provide grading certificates to gems like those emeralds and even diamonds. When you buy loose emeralds online, you need to make sure that the gem has certification from any relevant organizations. Among the most common certifying bodies include the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), International Gemological Institute (IGI), Diamond High Council, which is the counterpart of GIA in Europe, as well as the Precision Gem Grading Laboratory (PGGL) in the state of Philadelphia and the American Gem Society (AGS).

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Understanding the Quality of Emeralds You are BuyingNot Rated Yet

Rony Joseph has published 1 article. Article submitted on August 08, 2013. Word count: 413

Buying someone a gift these days can be difficult, especially when you are buying for someone who seemingly already has everything.

Written by: Steven Barnhart

So you have planned to open up your own night club, right? You have yourself the bartenders, the staff, the building, the decor and now you are seeking something not just to make your night club special and unique, but you are seeking something that will draw in the customers, right?

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It is the desire of many people to bargain when buying clothes. However, bargaining may not bear fruits at times because some retail shops sell their goods at high fixed prices. You can buy cheap clothes online and save your money and time.

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When buying jewellery, especially silver jewellery it is important to know you are buying a quality product so investigate the quality of the metal, workmanship and integrity of the retailer. Here's how to do it.

Written by: Jan Sinclair

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Know More about The Healing Benefits of Crystals & Gemstones

Precious gems, especially crystals, have long been commended for their beauty and radiance. The crystal chandeliers adorning many homes are the proof of this fact. We celebrate these gems for their excellence; some, for example the diamond, are prized for their rareness too. There are the individuals who contend that the beauty of gems might not have been this much if they were as easily available as sand on a sunny shore.

A part of the beauty of crystals hails from the symmetry structured by the arrangement of their fragment, the largest distinguishable part of which is their high reflective quality. Individuals have assigned certain qualities and properties to these gems (which some say are just fantasies and folklore) going back to the days when it was accepted that being exposed to extreme cold turn them into crystalline ice. These are also prized for their healing qualities in alternative pharmaceutical.

Common Properties of All Crystals

In spite of the fact that this is an expression that would most likely make a gems-dealer drop his loop, regular clear crystals and various other precious stones impart something in common -they transmit basically the same energy field. All might be customized and engaged to help you. If you wear precious stones in the form of beads hung on silk rope or wear them as ornaments, the benefits will be the same. Remember that some believe that metals hinder a portion of the mending and healing qualities of gems; you must be the judge of whether or not you pick up benefits by wearing them as mounted gems that are meant to beautify yourself.

Clearing the Crystals

When you get the crystals in the shape and color that you think will be of profit to you, you need to guarantee there are no unwanted negative energies in the precious stones. You do this by clearing them. The most effortless approach to clear crystals & gemstones is to clean them utilizing a gentle cleanser then afterwards immerse them in water until they are free of soap. When you feel your crystals are cleared, wipe them dry with a soft towel. Wholesale crystals dealers would suggest you to use a soft material, for example wool, to buff them if indispensible.

Modifying a Crystal

In a way comparable to the act of positive thinking, you guide positive energies to your crystals & gemstones. Some hold their precious stones in a fist, shut their eyes, and meditate. On the other hand, you can structure an image in your mind's eye that makes a picture of what you need to happen.

The Color Healing System

Large groups basically partner different gems and minerals with their healing colors. Dealers of wholesale crystals would let you know that oriental societies associate colors to what they allude to various energy centers of the body, regarded as chakras. Every chakra has an essential associated color and in addition auxiliary colors. When you know these shade associations, you can provide benefits to particular regions of the body by corresponding colors of the crystals or minerals.

Thomas Amory, author of this article, is a renowned businessperson, who deals in varied types of Crystals at Wholesale Crystal prices.
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Paid Advertising for Your Handmade Business

Well, it's officially August, and summer is quickly coming to a close.  The nights are getting cooler, school is starting up again soon, and (like it or not) the holiday shopping season is right around the corner.

I've been promising an article on marketing and advertising for a long time, but, being the terribly lazy blogger that I am, I haven't got around to it until now.  This past month has been pretty hectic for me.  There was a mix up with the big summer retail show I do every year, and I didn't find out if I was accepted to attend until just 3 weeks before the show.  I usually have 3 MONTHS to prepare, so I had a ton of work to try and squeeze into those few weeks.  On the bright side, something about that kind of crazy pressure sparks my creativity like nothing else, and I manged to design and create a whole bunch of new items, some of which were so popular at the show that I spent down time during the show making more!! Here's one of my newest creations:
Midnight Moon Necklace

Anyway, the reason I bring up the show is because this year was a really strange year.  The art center that hosts the show didn't do much marketing--in fact the only marketing I saw was an email sent out a few days before the show.  Now, this is a large-ish show, with over 90 vendors plus food trucks, live music, and artist demos going on all weekend.  It happens twice every year, once in the summer, then again in the fall, and has been around for as long as I can remember.  It's a popular show, and usually draws a good crowd, even if the weather is yucky.  But none of that matters if people don't know the dates and time of the show, and that's where marketing and advertising comes in.

Now, I know a lot of people get really overwhelmed when they think about advertising and marketing, especially when it comes to paid advertising.  If you don't know what you're doing, you can end up throwing away buckets of money with very little return.  I'll go into more specifics about various advertising platforms in later blog posts, and even walk you through setting up a basic ad campaign, but for now, I want to share some really basic information with you to get you a little more comfortable with the idea of paid advertising.

The very first thing you need is a good, solid grasp on who your target market is.  If you recall, I did a guest blog post on the Promofrenzy Blog with lots of great tips, and a worksheet, to help you get to know your ideal customer, and your target market.  Etsy has a great blog post as well, full of great tips for finding your target market.

The next thing you need is a goal or a plan.  Figure out what you want your ads to achieve--Do you want more traffic to your online shop?  Do you want more traffic to your Facebook page?  Do you want more sales?  Do you want people to sign up for your newsletter?  

Being very familiar with the concept of your target market, and having a specific goal in mind will help you create effective ads that are geared towards the people who are most likely to buy your product (or like your page, or sign up for your newsletter).  The very first time I ran a Google AdWords campaign, I had no clue about my target market, and rather than narrow my audience down to a specific subset of people, I went wide.  In my mind, I thought the more people that saw my ad the better, but in reality, that was the least effective use of my ad budget.  Lots of views and clicks are great, but only if the people clicking/viewing are actually interested in your product.  Otherwise, you're paying for a click/impression that doesn't lead to anything, and that can burn through your budget quickly with very little to no return.

Wait, you say, what are clicks and impressions?  When it comes to paid advertising on the web, there are three common types of ads--Cost Per Impression (CPM), Cost Per Click (CPC), and Cost Per Action (CPA).  Choosing which of these set ups to use will largely depend on what the goal of your campaign is.  Here are some basic definitions:

Cost Per Impression (CPM):
The "M" in this acrynom doesn't stand for million, it's actually the Roman numeral for 1000.  CPM literally means cost per thousand.  A thousand what?  Impressions, or views.  With this type of ad campaign, CPM refers to the amount of money it will cost for your ad to be served (or shown) 1000 times.  If your ad budget is $50, and your campaign charges a CPM of $5, your ad will receive no more than 10,000 impressions--meaning 10,000 people will SEE your ad.

Cost Per Click (CPC):
With CPM advertising, you are paying to show people your ad.  They may or may not click on it, and once they've clicked on it, they may or may not buy, sign up, or take any other action.  With CPC advertising, you don't pay anything unless someone actually clicks on your ad, just as the name implies.  Once again, with a $50 budget, if your campaign charges a CPC of $0.50, you should expect to get 100 clicks. 

Now, along side 10,000 impressions, 100 clicks doesn't seem like that much.  But remember--we're talking about someone SEEING your ad versus someone CLICKING on your ad. 

Cost Per Action (CPA):
Cost per action is just what it sounds like.  If you've set up your ad campaign in this style, you only pay when your ad results in someone taking a specific action.  For example, someone clicks on your ad and signs up for your newsletter--you would pay for that action, but if someone clicked on your ad and didn't sign up for your newsletter, you wouldn't pay anything.  I've found this type of advertising to be expensive, so while it may be the most direct advertising link between customer and business, it's not one I have much experience with.

So that leaves 2 very common options for your online advertising: CPM and CPC.  Which is better?  This is a hotly debated topic, and the world of online advertising is full of opinions on which is better, more cost effective, and has a better ROI (return on investment).  But I've found that both CPM and CPC have their place in advertising for my small business.

While you're trying to decide on which type of advertising will work best for your goals, there are some other important factors to keep in mind.  One of the biggest is keywords.  Keywords are what determines if and where your ad will be shown.  For those of you already familiar with SEO, coming up with relevant keywords for your ad should be pretty easy.  If you use multi-word tags in your Etsy shop, you've pretty much done the work already. 

When setting up an ad campaign, each individual ad should be limited in the number of keywords you use, and they should be specific and relevant to whatever you're advertising.  Whatever venue you're setting up your ad campaign on, using the Google AdWords Keyword Tool can be a huge help.  This is a tool that lets you see what kind of traffic certain keywords and phrases generate.  This requires a bit of research and experimenting to find what works for you.  It's important to remember that just because a keyword gets lots of traffic doesn't necessarily mean it's a good fit for your ad...or for your budget.  The more popular the keyword, the more it costs, which is something I'll go into later.  For now, here's a quick example:

In this screen capture, you can see a sample keyword search.  I chose jewelry.  This page provides you with a TON of great info.  Starting at the top, under "Keyword Ideas", you can see my search term "jewelry".  As you move across that row, there is a little graph symbol which will show you monthly searches for the keyword over the last 12 months when you hover over it.

On this graph, you can see that the search term saw a spike in relevant searches starting in October.  To the right of this graph, you can see the average number of monthly searches for this word.  This will tell you how popular the keyword is.  Immediately to the right of that is the "Competition" column.  For the search term "Jewelry", this tool says competition is high, meaning that lots of advertisers across Google and its networks are bidding on and using this keyword.  The higher the competition, the more you'll have to bid to "win" a place for your ad in searches using this keyword.  Finally, the Keyword Tool lists an average CPC.  For this keyword, the average cost of 1 click is nearly $2.  That'll eat up a $50 budget very quickly, which means the keyword may not be a good fit.

But even if the keyword you initially look into isn't a good fit for your ad/budget, the Keyword Tool has some great options to help you find a word or phrase that is.  Below the initial results, you'll see a long list of suggested keyword phrases that include your initial keyword.

This list will provide you with the same information regarding these keyword phrases--a graph, average monthly searches, competition, and an average cost per click.  Going through this list is a great way to find other keywords that you maybe hadn't thought of using, and it allows you to finds words/phrases that work for your ad and budget.  Ideally, you want to select keywords and phrases that have good traffic, medium to low competition, and an average CPC that fits your budget.  Remember, this Keyword Tool provides information for how ads perform on Google and its networks.  While this is a good basis for research, it's important to keep in mind that keyword competition and CPC can vary across advertising platforms.

Over the next few blog posts, I'll walk you through setting up some ad campaigns on three different platforms.  We'll look at Etsy Search Ads, Facebook Ads, and Google AdWords.  Etsy Search Ads are the easiest to set up, so we'll look at those first.  There are several different options for Facebook Ads, including building your Business Page Audience (likes), boosting a post so more of your audience sees it, and using Facebook to advertise your shop/business website.  Google AdWords is probably the most complicated and expansive advertising option we'll discuss, and I definitely won't be able to cover everything, but I'll do my best to get you started.

In the meantime, here's a little homework.  Start brainstorming information you would need to set up an ad.  
  • Think up a goal, or a set of goals.  
  • Figure out a budget.  
  • Be sure you've taken the time to get to know your target market.  
  • Start researching keywords you might use in an ad
    • If you have an Etsy shop, take a look back at what keywords have brought the most traffic to your shop, and start researching these keywords to see what might be a good fit
    • If you don't have an Etsy shop, that's okay.  Just make a list of words and phrases you might use to find your product in a Google search, and research them
I suppose that's all for now.  If you have questions about things covered in this blog post, please feel free to ask in the comments below :)  If I don't know the answer, I'll find it, or do my best to point you in the right direction to find it yourself.

Until next time, 
Happy Making!

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