

Topaz: A precious type gem in wine-yellow color

Yellow TopazA fluorine aluminium silicate that comes in yellow, yellow-brown, honey-yellow, flax, brown, green, blue, light blue, red and pink ... and sometimes it has no color at all. The name "topaz" is derived from the Greek Word tòpazi[òs].

Known for at least 2000 years and is one of the gemstones which form the foundations of the twelve gates to the Holy City of the New Jerusalem. These so-called apocalyptic stones are intended to serve in protection against enemies and as a symbol of beauty and splendour. It cannot be proved conclusively whether the name of the topaz comes from the Sanskrit or the Greek, though the Greek name 'topazos' means 'green gemstone'. The Romans dedicated the topaz to Jupiter. The colour in which the topaz is most commonly found is yellow, and that is the colour in which it occurs in one of the major German gemstone rocks, the Schneckenstein (a topaz-bearing rock said to resemble a snail) in Saxony. In the 18th century, it was mined there during a period of over 60 years. However, most of the crystals were hardly a centimetre in diameter. You had to go to Siberia or Brazil to find crystals as large as your fist. Having said that, anyone who is interested can convince himself of the beauty of cut specimens in the topaz set in Dresden's Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault). The enormous and magnificent topaz from the Portuguese crown, the Braganza, was for a long time thought to be a diamond. It weighs 1680 ct..

In mysticism, the topaz is attributed with a cooling, styptic and appetising effect. It is said to dispel sadness, anger and nocturnal fears, to warn its wearer of poisons and protect him or her from sudden death. It is reputed to make men handsome and intelligent and sterile women fertile and happy. However, it is probably better not to rely too much on its magical powers, since it was also claimed that you could immerse your hand in boiling water after a topaz had been thrown into it and retract it again unharmed! It is the stone of the month November....

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Ruby as "Pigeon's Blood?"

ruby gemstoneRuby is a red gemstone with varying color from a light pink to a blood red. A variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide). The color is caused by chromium. The name comes from ruber, Latin word for red. The other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. Ruby is considered as one of the four precious stones, which includes sapphire, emerald and diamond. It is are mined mostly in Africa, Asia, Australia, Greenland, Madagascar and North Carolina. But most often found in Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka, Kenya, Madagascar, and Cambodia, and it can be also been found in the U.S. states of Montana, North Carolina and South Carolina. The Mogok Valley in Upper Myanmar has produced some of the finest rubies but, in recent years, very few good rubies have been found there. The unique color in Myanmar (Burmese) rubies is described as "pigeon’s blood". They are known in the trade as “Mogok” rubies. In central Myanmar the area of Mong Hsu also produces rubies. The latest ruby deposit to be found in Myanmar is situated in Nam Ya. In 2002 rubies were found in the Waseges River area of Kenya. Sometimes spinels are found along with rubies in the same rocks and are mistaken for rubies. However, fine red spinels may approach the average ruby in value.
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Green Amethyst : A Macrocrystalline Quartz

green amethystGreen Amethyst, a green variety of quartz that is sometimes a confusing gem when traded under a variety of names. It is sometimes mistaken as other gems like Peridot and Tourmaline. Also known as Vermarine, Green Quartz, Lime Citrine or by its gemological name, Prasiolite. Although affordable, it is very rare and remains a collector’s gemstone. In gemological name it is derived from the Greek words “Prason” meaning leek (due to its colour similarities with the vegetable) and “Lithos” meaning stone. The gem is believed to facilitate the gap between the physical and spiritual aspects of life, attracting prosperity through strengthening the mind, emotions and will by the crystal healers. Although Quartz of exotic beauty to be set into jewellery and not in great abundance, Quartz is found in many geological environments and is a component of almost every type of rocks. It is also the most varied in terms of varieties, colors and forms. Quartz gemstones are separated into two groups based on the size of their individual crystals. Green Amethyst is a Macrocrystalline Quartz (a large crystal) and this group includes many popular gemstones such as Amethyst, Citrine and Ametrine. All forms of Quartz are Piezoelectric (when heated or rubbed they create an electrical charge becoming a magnet that attracts lightweight objects), making for important applications in electronics. Tourmaline is the only other gemstone that possesses this property. Green Amethyst’s color varies from a pale yellow green to the deeper shades of green. With beautiful colors ranging from pastel yellow green to deep forest green, it is also a tough gemstone making it ideal for everyday wear. Green Amethyst is most mined in Brazil and Arizona, U.S.A.
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A 14K White Gold Tanzanite and Diamond Ring

tanzanite ring

Sample of Tanzanite Gem in a Ring

Tanzanite Rings

One of kind extraordinary gemstone. A rare of a kind that you can see in only one place worldwide. It is blue, surrounded by a fine hint of purple, an exotic color.

Tanzanite is named after the East African state of Tanzania, the only place in the world where it can be found. Why in Africa? It is because Africa is a continent which provides the world with numerous and magnificent gemstones, like for example tanzanite and other gemstones that includes the diamonds. During the discovery in 1967, it was introduce by the specialists as the 'gemstone of the 20th century'. They held their breath in excitement as they caught sight of the first deep-blue crystals which had been found in the Merelani Hills near Arusha in the north of Tanzania. Millions of years ago, metamorphic schists, gneisses and quartzite's formed impressive, flat-topped monadnock on a vast plain in Kilimanjaro. This precious crystals grow on, deposits on the inside of these unusual elevations. For a long, long time they were hidden from the man's eye, until one day some passing Masai shepherds noticed some sparkling crystals lying in the sun and took them along with them.

It is a blue variety of the gemstone zoisite that consists of calcium aluminium silicate and not particularly hard, with a value of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. The reason why it should always be worn carefully and never placed in an ultrasonic bath for cleaning or brought into contact with acids. The tanzanite deep blue color of is excellent, and runs from ultramarine blue to light violet-blue. The most color is a blue surrounded by a delicate something purple-like color, which has a particularly wonderful effect in sizes of over 10 carats. The well developed polychromaticity of the tanzanite is typical: depending on the angle from which you look at it, the stone may appear blue, purple or brownish-yellow. Having said that, most raw crystals are somewhat spoiled by a brownish-yellow component, though it can be made to disappear by the cutter if he heats the stone carefully in an oven to approximately 500°. During the procedure he must pay careful attention to the moment at which the colour turns to blue. This burning is a method of treatment which is regarded as customary in the trade, but the raw stones must be as free of inclusions as possible, since otherwise fissures may occur. In fact working with tanzanite can sometimes give even the most experienced cutter a bit of a headache, the cleavage of this gemstone being very pronounced in one direction. This exclusive gemstone is cut in every imaginable shape from the classical round shape to a number of imaginative designer cuts.
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The Vinci Diamond

vinci diamond Vinci Diamond Image

The leading Israeli diamond designer named Shlomo Cohen was credited for developing the Princess Cut in 1982, released lately “The Vinci Diamond,” a 62-facet “pentacle” cut that incorporates the precise ratios of the Divine Proportion – a mathematical relationship popularized in Dan Brown’s bestseller - The Da Vinci Code. Cohen said, “I have been studying the geometric possibilities offered by the Golden Ratio since 2001, which is before I ever heard of Dan Brown or The Da Vinci Code."

The Divine Proportion or the Golden Ratio was based on the relationship of three lines, which the longest is 1.618 times the length of second longest, which in turn is 1.618 times the length of the shortest line. The combinations of the three lines are basis for everything that is perfectly proportional.

Past uses of the proportions samples include the Parthenon in Athens, and the ancient Mayan Sun Temple. This diamond has been patented in United States, Japan, Belgium and Israel.
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Fascinating Facts about Diamonds

loose diamondsWhat are diamonds? Diamonds are made of hardest substance on earth which is carbon. They are formed deep within the earth and come to surface via volcano eruptions...

Don't you know the important roles of diamond to the people? Many were unaware what important role diamonds. The important role of diamonds bring benefits to the people in many countries around the world where the source of it can be found especially Africa... In Africa, these where been their livelihood by finding diamonds. In 2000, a coalition of governments, non-governmental organizations and the diamond industry worked together to make people have some money to earn for their everyday daily needs especially food.

Fact regarding how diamonds are driving the worlds economic growth.

"Estimated 5 million people have access to appropriate healthcare globally because of revenues from diamonds. Revenues from diamonds have enabled governments and health organizations to greatly improve existing public health services and provide new health services to those who have never had them before. Diamond revenues have funded more hospitals, more medical centers and more hospices, ensuring healthcare is extended to millions of people."

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