

The Vinci Diamond

vinci diamond Vinci Diamond Image

The leading Israeli diamond designer named Shlomo Cohen was credited for developing the Princess Cut in 1982, released lately “The Vinci Diamond,” a 62-facet “pentacle” cut that incorporates the precise ratios of the Divine Proportion – a mathematical relationship popularized in Dan Brown’s bestseller - The Da Vinci Code. Cohen said, “I have been studying the geometric possibilities offered by the Golden Ratio since 2001, which is before I ever heard of Dan Brown or The Da Vinci Code."

The Divine Proportion or the Golden Ratio was based on the relationship of three lines, which the longest is 1.618 times the length of second longest, which in turn is 1.618 times the length of the shortest line. The combinations of the three lines are basis for everything that is perfectly proportional.

Past uses of the proportions samples include the Parthenon in Athens, and the ancient Mayan Sun Temple. This diamond has been patented in United States, Japan, Belgium and Israel.

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