

Naomi Watts : mark motherhood with Diamond Locket

Naomi Watts motherhoodNaomi Ellen Watts (born September 28, 1968) , a British actress who is well-known for her many roles in films like Mulholland Drive, the film remakes of The Ring and King Kong, and as well as her Academy Award-nominated role in the film 21 Grams....

Naomi Watts, the new mom that has a special keepsake to mark her son's birth - a diamond and platinum locket holding his photo.

The heart pendant, a gift from Watts' long-term partner Liev Schreiber, was reportedly designed by the actor and jeweller Neil Lane.

A friend tells In Touch magazine, "It was a very special gift for her. Liev helped Neil with it after hours."

The Hollywood couple welcomed baby Alexander last month (25Jul07).

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