

Missed the buss...

Well, what do you do when you're bound to buses, trains or whatever? I go shopping until the next one leaves :P

I have to change bus two times every day, and sometimes the traffic gets rather busy, and my first bus gets stuck in a traffic line, which normally results to the point that I miss my second. My second buss only goes one time each hour, and at that point I get really, really bored.

I tend to pop over to the only store that have some sort of jewelry making stuff. They are rather expensive so I don't go there that often, only for some supplies that I really want to look at and feel in person before I buy them, rather then looking at a photo. A picture doesn't really tell everything a bout a product, specially not about beads, and when you get your order you can either be thrilled or just disappointed.

Well, yesterday I ended up in a traffic line and got stuck. And I went to just that store and picked up some pretties. A few 8mm, 6mm and 4mm glass pearls, and I also bought some embroidery crystals on 7mm.

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