

Bracelet: Dalia

I've been going back and forth the whole week to the city where the school where I normally study dutch is... The schools began this week and when I came there the first day the building was closed, typical. It said that it would be open and that people would be able to inscribe on Thursday. So on Thursday I went there, had to wait in this long line for over an hour only to find out when it was my turn, that I had to go back on Friday and inscribe together with the whole class :P Annoyance.

Enough moaning tho!
While I did this back and forth going I were also working on a little bracelet, which I finished up yesterday.
To make it, I worked it on odd-count peyote stitch, and then added a little cute fringing. It's the first time I've added bugles in a peyote stitch, and since I love them (hate them cause of the sharp edges tho -_-; ) I've been looking forward to trying them in something new. Besides the bugles I also used some 9/0 and 11/0 seed beads, and then I attached a toggle-clasp as well.

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