

Polymer Clay Cabs 6 (emerald)

Here we go again. A result of my latest polymer clay addiction since I got my lovely-dovely pasta machine :D
 Here we have the cabochons that I made using the same cane technique as I used for the tear drop beads in my "Polymer Clay Cabs 3 (magma)" post. This time however, I managed in making that darn skinner blend 100% perfect, yay!! \o/
The color I used for this cane was emerald green, white (skinner blend combo), brown and black. I'm not gonna explain how to do the cane again, so don't worry ^^

I had to try making one of these "bicone" like beads after getting a hand of the technique - actually it's way easier then what it sounded like. For me anyway, lol.
I simply first made a ball of black clay and then I cut off very thin pieces of my cane and rolled it to a round ball, making sure that the cane layers would be stuck nicely without any air bubbles.
Then I made it into a bicone shaped bead which I made into a pendant since I came to like it a lot. I'm just wondering in what I should use it, but that will probably come sooner or later into my mind, heh.

This cab was really funny to do, heh. Well, I used cut off access clay from the cane before I made a spiral of it. I simply layered the clay as I wanted it into the mold and then I added black clay and pressed it down to make one single solid form of it.
I must say that I really like the end result of it, regardless that it indeed is an experiment of not wasting clay, lol.

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