

BTW - 14th March 2012

So here's what's laying on my bead table this week:

I got my hands on a metal cuff this week and I really, I mean REALLY wanted to create a bead embroidery piece using it.
I chose to incorporate the polymer clay cabochons I made a couple of weeks ago, together with some acrylic cabochon flowers that have been in my stash for over a year now.
As you also can see on my pic (pardon the flash but I wanted to get a shot and the daylight had already said bye-bye) that I'm using some permanent black markers to cover up the white. My solution until I can found some fabric dye, I haven't really been able to come across it yet *mutters*.

At the moment I prefer to bead on Lacy's Stiff Stuff, since I like the thickness of it, and makes it possible to go through some layers on the back of it without having any loose threads hanging around ( I hate that, lol ). For my backing I'm using ultrasuede; I know some people actually use ultrasuede for both the beading surface and the backing... One day I might try it, since they are already colored, heh.

What is your favorite type of cabochon you like to work with? :)

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