

Next Steps in Social Networking

Just a really quick post, I promise. 

I've finally taken the next step in my social networking to promote my jewelry and Etsy shop.  I have officially just joined Twitter.  I now tweet.  I keep hearing great stories about how Twitter has brought a lot of attention to other Etsians so I went ahead and signed up.  I avoided it for a long time, cuz it seemed kind of like an exercise in narcissism.  But now I'm on board.  I've been doing the Facebook thing for awhile, I figured it couldn't hurt to branch out.  If you'd care to follow me, please do.  I'll return the favor, naturally.  To find me, I suppose you can just follow this link or type into your address bar.

Oh oh and before I forget!  If you haven't already gone over and "Liked" my Facebook page, you should.  I just posted a special Mother's Day coupon for my Etsy shop, available to all my fans on Facebook

That's all for now.  Hope everyone had a great first day of May!!

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