

Netted Bracelet

Yesterday I decided to play a bit with beaded netting. I wanted to create a simpler bracelet using this technique.
It's not really that hard, the most of the work actually is to do some mathematics, depending on whgat sort of netting you want. I stuck to the most basic one; three beads. Which meant that I had to pick up an amount of beads that are divisional by 4. The most simple way to be honest is just to pick up 4 beads at a time until you have the desired length you want, plus about 2.5cm (1"), and then add additional 3 beads again before you go back through the beads strung and begin on the netting.

Since fall is approaching I decided to work with red beads. The bracelet is in a transparent red color with an iris finish to 'em.
When the bracelet was done, before I'd attached the clasp I felt that it was a little bit too simple. I know, "less is more" as they say. But I got this feeling when I looked at it that is really needed something a little extra. So earlier today, I sat down and began to play around with circular netting, until I got this little rose like flower that I really like. And then it was just to measure where the center of the bracelet was, and then attach it :)

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