

Shame on Me for my Poor Social Media Skills :(

I have been so terribly lax in updating my blog.  Seriously, it's been months since I last wrote a word.  I'm starting to understand why people pay other people to do this sort of stuff.  Honestly, I've spent so much time in these last months working on the business aspects of things that I've hardly had any time to create new pieces.  (Note, I said hardly any time.  Like business-y stuff could keep me away from my work bench.)

And so, that's why I've been so horribly, terribly missing from the blog sphere.  I know, I know.  I'm awful.  I'll do better.  Honest I will.

Some really quick updates:

  1. I was accepted into Art in the Park!!
    • Art in the Park is a local juried art show.   It's been around for like ever, vendors and customers come from all over, and it's this whole big thing.  I applied for the first time this year and got accepted.
    • I attended the August show with much success.  Well, maybe not MUCH much, but I made enough to cover what I'd spent to attend, plus enough to cover the October show.  Which is fast approaching.
    • I'll be attending the October 6-7th show.  For more info, click HERE
     2. I finally (FINALLY!) at long last launched my very own website.
    • You should most definitely take a moment to check it out.  It's pretty great if I do say so myself.
    • Visit 
    • Oh, and sign up for my newsletter while you there.  I'm now sending those out about once every other week
     3. I'll be attending the Sept 22nd ONE Art Market in Burlington
    • I'm pretty pumped about this event.  It's a little smaller than Art in the Park, and indoors, but it should be a lot of fun.
    • If you're interested in attending, it takes place on Saturday, September 22 from 10-3 at 294 N. Winooski Ave in Burlington, VT.  Parking is available on site free of charge and there is a CCTA bus stop right outside the front door to the studio.
    • Check out their Facebook page for more info 
I guess that's all for now.  Oh!!  Be sure to check out my Etsy shop today!  It's my birthday, and I'm not gonna tell you how old I am, but I am offering a coupon code for 27% off your purchase TODAY ONLY!!  Use coupon code 27BDAY at check out.

There's some great new stuff up, so be sure to stop by, even if it's just to look around.

Happy Wednesday everybody!

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