

Playing with Soutache

I think it was last year I bought a couple of soutache braids in a few different colors, and I ended up making a pair of earrings that I... Well, lets be honest; I wasn't too happy with them as the braid ended up looking a bit "bulky" and I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to lines and curves; they have to be perfect!
Since then I haven't really been in the mood to play around with soutache. Not because it wasn't fun, but because the lack of tutorials out on the web wasn't many. Nor were there any good books out there for the technique. If there were, I never came across them, even if I poked around and asked other beaders in the different bead groups I'm in on FB.
I've seen that there's a very good book out there now, that got released this month; Soutache by Anneta Valious. I'm probably gonna end up purchasing it when the budget allows me to, heh.

I have no idea what it was that suddenly awoke the interest to play around with soutache again, maybe I needed some variation from what I've been doing? *shrug*
Anyhow, I suddenly remembered that I purchased a wonderful polymer clay cabochon on Etsy by the lovely Alexandra Chereches. Her Etsy shop is opened pretty recently, but she sells a lot of beautiful creations where she incorporates the stunning polymer clay cabochons she makes herself. She also has a few cabochons for sale. You can access her Etsy store by clicking here.
I thought that the cabochons would look very good if I used it with soutache braid so I went and played around with the few colors I have of the braid until I ended up with a result that was pleasing to my own eye.

I'm probably gonna play around some more with soutache, not gonna wait as long as I did last time to pick up the braids tho, but I actually enjoyed working with this technique so there will most likely be more to come :)

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