

Bracelet: Venus

Last night I managed to figure out what I wanted to do with some 12mm twisted bugle bead in amber with a frosted AB finish.
I managed to figure it out by playing around with some other beads, and some two toned 4mm czech glass beads that I ordered last week.
I thought the combination of amber looked so nice together with the two toned beads I wanted to make something with them.
I ended up making a bracelet using both right angle weave and ladder stitch and some fringing.
I know, it can look like the center parts of the bracelet is made separately but it's made with one single thread.
First I simply started out by picking up two 11/0, one bugle, two 11/0, one 4mm, two 11/0, one bugle, two 11/0 and one 4mm. Then I went back through the beads again until I ended my thread from the second bugle bead on the opposite side of where I first started. Here I picked up three 11/0's and began working my ladder stitch; I went back through the 11/0 I ended my thread from + one of the three 11/0's I just added. And so it progressed until I had a full stripe of two 11/0's, one bugle and two 11/0's. In total I worked my units so that I had 6 rows. Then I began fringing the unit and when that was done I began all over again so that I could make another unit :)

When I had the desired length of my bracelet I added a gold plated toggle clasp ^^;

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