

Item of the Month: Bead Nabber

I've decided to begin to future an item each month for up to a year. Why? Cause it could be interesting for readers to get a view over how good an item work, and what it is for. The other idea is to get myself to write a lot more then what I've been doing now.
I also have to apology for my absence last month. It's been a bit hectic around here, and I've been having some rheumatic issues in the joint of my fingers, which haven't really made the working easier. They're still coming and going once in a while... I probably have to go and see the doctor if it persists :\


This month's item, and the very first item in this little featuring is a bead nabber. I've been very curious and been wondering if I should get one of these. The reason is that I find it really, really annoying to pick up the beads one by one when the fall all over - I have hyperactive playful kittens in the house that sometimes can sneak onto places they are not allowed on, and make a mess on "sacred" stuff, lol.
The bead nabber is really handy, and makes the bead picking a lot easier and faster then what it normally takes (licking your finger and then pick up the beads, lol... Not the most pleasant thing to do).
This little item is in plastic, with some sticky "stuff" (no idea what it's called in English) on the tip. The idea is that you slide the bead nabber onto your finger of choice so that the sticky thing on the bead nabber kinda ends up on the pointy part of your finger.
The item isn't even that expensive, and I do find the 2€ it costs worth the price.
I bought my bead nabber from GJBeads, but from their Amazon store.

I give this handy little item 4/5 points.
The reason to why it doesn't score a five is that you sometimes have to pick off the beads you pick up with the bead nabber with your fingers since the sticky stuff can be a bit strong.

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