

Replica diamond engagement

Of course there is a ring which is very famous pink diamond Ben Affleck gave to Jennifer Lopez. This 6 carat pink diamond-shaped glowing quickly caught the public's attention and has become a highly sought after replica. It is equipped with a platinum band as well as three baguette white diamonds on each side. Pink diamond ring was reported to have purchased for $ 1.2 million in 2002.

Some replicas are styled as more antique diamond engagement ring. These rings have an everlasting quality and symbolize tradition and heritage. Recent involvement Camilla Parker Bowles in February of 2005 features such as antique engagement ring. Platinum ring has emerald-cut center diamond with three diamond baguettes on each side. This ring originally belonged to the Queen Mother and is believed to be worth more than $ 1 million.

Since few people can afford the original item, there will always be a market for replicas of one of a kind diamond engagement rings. Quality replicas varies, as does the price.

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