

The Differences Between Wedding Ring and Engagement Ring

In fact, it would be difficult to continue the engagement and wedding without the presence of the band. Because of their long history, the use and function of the wedding ring and engagement ring often mixed up with each other. However, it should be taken into account that although the jewelry pieces are usually seen among women who are married, they are deeply different from each other in many aspects.
In order to identify the different wedding rings and engagement rings, let's take a closer look at each function. To simply put it, the engagement ring given by men to women before their wedding to signify that they were bound to get married. On the other hand, wedding rings are pieces of jewelry that are exchanged and used by couples for their wedding day to seal their marriage vows. Right after the wedding and for years to follow their wedding, a wedding band and engagement worn by the wife, while men only wear a wedding ring because men do not always need to be wearing an engagement ring.
Between my wedding ring and engagement, many couples prefer to invest on engagement band. In fact, an engagement ring more attention-grabbing than a wedding ring because somehow quietly married status announcements soon-to-be spouse. Traditionally, the band's involvement has been prominent center stone is usually made of fine diamond jewelry. At the time, however, couples do not need to buy an engagement band with diamond stone emphasized, not as a cheaper option they can use other precious stones such as ruby, sapphire, opal, etc., as the center stone engagement ring.
Traditionally, both the wedding and engagement bands are worn on the left finger between your index finger and pinkie finger because by faith says on the left hand has a vein connected directly to the heart of the so-called vena Amorite.
In general, wedding rings and engagement rings are two important pieces of jewelry that symbolizes two of the most important stages in the relationship partner engagement and marriage. They do have different qualities that distinguish them from one another. They also function as a reinforcing material seal their vows and symbolic meaning and sentimentality couples devotion to one another.

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