

Learn The Difference Between Palladium Wedding Bands And Other Precious Metals

Palladium is a glowing silvery-white precious metal that was discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston and was named by him after the comet Pallas. Palladium belongs to the platinum family which also includes rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium. However, of the PGMs (platinum group metals) palladium's melting point is the lowest and is not as dense as the rest of the PGM metals. Palladium is used in a myriad of products including catalytic converters, electronics, chemical applications, and more, such as jewelry, including palladium wedding bands.

These types of wedding bands are made from a precious metal that is rarer than gold but not subject to the same values and price fluctuations as gold or even silver often are. However, until the mid-2000s the price of palladium was more expensive than that of platinum. This was caused by casting issues with the palladium. Once palladium could be cast like other metals, prices fell sharply and platinum prices rose.

Wedding bands using this metal were first manufactured during WWII when the government determined it to be a significant metal that could be used in place of platinum, which at the time was hard to come by due to its uses in the war effort. Today the majority of this precious metal comes from Russia who holds most of the determining power of how much palladium prices will rise or fall.

In the past white gold was made using a combination of gold and palladium and it was just about the only thing you would see the metal used in. However, this platinum family member is regularly used today to make palladium wedding bands containing 95% pure palladium, also known as metal 950. The move from using palladium mostly as a mix to gold to create white gold to jewelry like palladium wedding bands happened because of advances made in the way of metalworking, or the casting method mentioned above.

Due to the metals lightweight nature and low melting point, it is a soft metal and platinum wedding bands can be molded and shaped with just about any design anyone could want. From braided to brushed, wedding bands are especially beautiful when polished and hold an almost ethereal glow that catches the eye and elevates the ring even higher in beauty.
For anyone who is looking for a different way to go in celebrating a marriage ceremony and looking to eschew the traditional use of gold and silver rings, palladium wedding bands make a unique and incredibly gorgeous change of pace from the norm. Men can choose from bold and concave, etched with one-of-a-kind markings, or raised and hammered centers offset by gleaming edges polished to a blinding shine and offset by milgrains. Bands for women may include delicate barely weighted bands shimmering with diamond accents or delicately scrolling vines, flowers, and more.

Because of the current low cost of palladium prices, these precious metal wedding bands can be purchased at phenomenally lower prices than most other wedding sets. If you are looking for an affordable but extremely lovely set of wedding rings, you may consider doing an easy online search for wedding bands to give them a look over. Chances are great that you won't be at all disappointed.

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