

Meaning & Significance of Star of David

Star of David or 'Shield of David' is a holy symbol for the Jews. In Hebrew, it is also known as "Magen David". Two equilateral triangles, each of which is upturned over other form the hexagon shaped Star of David. The sign is used in the national flag of Israel, the only Jewish state in the world. It is second most popular religious symbol in the world, coming only next to cross or crucifix.

Origin of Star of David is not yet clearly defined. Since 1600, hexagon as a religious symbol has been in use by the Jewish community. However, evidences establish that symbol has an earlier appearance during 14th century and might be in conjunction with the Seal of Solomon

Use of Jewish Religious Symbol

Apart from the Jewish community, the Christians and Muslims also consider star as a holy symbol and use in their religious symbolism. Amulet, considered a protective symbol by the Jewish and Middle East cultures for centuries was used for the earliest Jewish flag design. Siddur, the prayer book for the Jewish mentions Star of David as one of the titles for Almighty.

Importance of the Symbol

Star of David was not initially adopted as a religious symbol of Judaism. The symbol carries a lot of significance. In it, you can see six outstretched stars formed from two entwined triangles inverted on each other. Those stars represent six days in a week and get energy from the center symbolizing Shabbat which is the day of rest according to Jewish faith.

Two triangles symbolize duality of one's inner self, better exemplified as physical vs. spiritual aspects, good vs. evil. On the other hand, the symbol also represents the bond between God and his most beloved people, the Jews. One triangle pointing upward refers to our praise of heaven and the downward triangle is symbolic of god's blessing pouring down on the world.

There exist contradictory views regarding what the star points actually represent. However, a section of scholars believe that these 12 points refer to the 12 tribes of Jews. According to Kabbalah experts, the six points are symbolic of god's rule over the entire world from north to south, east to west and both in up and down directions. Irrespective of different versions regarding the meaning of star points, Star of David is believed as a protector by three communities - Jews, Christians and Muslims. This religious symbol is widely used in jewelry design as the believers feel being protected from the evils while wearing jewelries having Star of God on them.

Star of David holds deep religious significance in the Jewish world. Want to know more about Star of David? To learn about Star of David, click here .

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